
July is summer. Are young people free?QI YUE XIAN CHA is a new brand of traditional Chinese tea drinking culture. This case is the first terminal. The design team integrates traditional oriental classical tea culture with modern minimalist aesthetics in space.

▲门店外观,exterior view


“Red” is our common memory of Chinese traditional culture. It can be the gorgeous palace wall of the Beijing Grand Courtyard, or the cinnabar print on the back cover of the painting. It gathers the ups and downs of each dynasty and is a unique epochal label of China. The treatment of texture and color makes the case distinct from the design dimension. The collision between traditional color and modern material gives more fresh experience in space.

▲空间概览,Overview of Space


In the traditional dining social space, decentralized seats provide people with a private way of communication, which is different from the case of tea mountain as inspiration to create a new common social space. Tu is the beginning of everything, the source of tea culture, and the expression of a “social” lifestyle.

▲品牌展示墙,Brand display wall

▲入口处的梅花隔窗小景,The Plum Blossom Window View at the Entrance


Array of doors and fans create a strong sense of order, placed in a small space of red appears more intense.


▲用餐空间细部,dining area detailed view

We want to use a humorous and relaxed design language to make the traditional tea ceremony younger and more acceptable to contemporary youth.

▲轴测图,axonometric drawing





设计事务所:上海或者设计/OR DESIGN


项目团队:巫国源 唐子雯 回凌凯 占锦明

图文撰写:黄玮 王朦



