Super Whale 是一个会员制的私人健身俱乐部,一层以力量训练为主,二层以普拉提塑身为主要空间功能。行维新筑接受委托为其位于西安的首家俱乐部进行新的设计,旨在为喜爱健身的小伙伴们提供一个放松,愉悦,社交,交流的小范围私人健身俱乐部。

Super Whale is a membership-based private fitness club. The first floor focuses on strength training, and the second floor uses Pilates as the main space function. XWXZ was commissioned to carry out a new design for the first shop in Xi’an, aiming to provide a small-scale private fitness club for relaxation, pleasure, socializing and communication for people who love fitness.




The biggest difficulty of the project was that after the demolition, it was found that there were too many load-bearing walls, which divided the original space into many irregular small spaces. The designer must use the existing layout to re-divide the space effectively to meet the functional requirements of the fitness space while optimizing the shortcomings of the existing space.




The original load-bearing wall is used at the entrance, the electricity room is set on the left, the coach’s office is set on the right, and a glass brick partition wall is added to form a small spatial transition between the training area and the front desk area. Ensure training privacy while having a sense of natural light during the day.



Plenty mirrors are used on the inner facade and ceiling of the space to weaken the load-bearing wall; at the same time, the reflection of multiple mirrors also makes the originally cramped space feel more transparent and comfortable. The interior is dominated by warm gray tones, creating a natural and calm training atmosphere under the reflection of natural light, mirrors and glass.




The 2nd floor focuses on aerobic and plastic training for women and children. The space atmosphere on the 2nd floor is more soft and comfortable. Reduce mirrors, pay more attention to details and the use of arcs in space. Continuing the main tone of glass, mirror surface and warm gray on the 1st floor, floor-to-ceiling gauze curtains are added to make the light feeling on the 2nd floor softer.




项目名称:Super Whale 超级鲸鱼私人健身俱乐部



项目设计 & 完成年份:2022




建筑面积:340 平方米
