Cowabunga 是我们这次的概念,它是一个可爱的象声词。在加州海边散步时,无意间看到好多冲浪板的背面印着长长的一串Cowabunga,它是冲浪爱好者追逐的心头好,突破浪尖时他们会一起喊道的象声词。

A cute onomatopoeia, “Cowabunga” is the concept.Walking along the California beach side, I accidentally saw a new word “Cowabunga” printed on the back of many surfboards. It is an exciting moment for surfing, when they break through the waves.


As the design Journey, an impression of stimulation and pleasure was delivered throughout the process, as a metaphor for exciting moment.

地面墙面天花都有follow概念的几何曲线和海浪叠加的造型,自由创作时跟随心情起伏而形成的随机造型;也参考了一些艺术家的画比如Miró和Paul Klee尤其我们借鉴了暖色调的几幅作品 ,和我们的沙滩的自在感相呼应!同时我们希望fiu这家店的白天和晚上是完全不一样的体验应用了变色灯管,可以去店里体验挑出自己最喜欢的配色!

The space form is refer to the geometric wave, a curve route of freedom creation. It remind us the process of freedom artistic creation. We use Miró and Paul Klee‘s painting as our reference. Meanwhile, we hope that the day and night of this store is completely different. The application of color-lighting system can offer a changeable ambience.


项目名称:Fiu² pump

设计方: Sò studio

总面积: 95.7㎡