
GoFunFun is a very interesting brand. It exists only because the boss wants to drink a cup of fruit tea he likes, so he invited the brand design team to do branding, and at the same time invited us to design offline store space for the brand. The brand team put forward the concept of “Fruit Free Trade Market”. We think this is a particularly bold and interesting theme, and the space design naturally follows this theme.

▲项目外观插画,illustration appearance

▲项目外观局部,partial view of the restaurant


There are abundant street market elements in this “Fruit Free Trade Market”:There is a glimmer of light from the half-open rolling door、Red and blue plastic stools scattered in front of the door、Various advertising light boxes and price lists、Plastic transfer box for transporting fruits… We hope that the overall design presentation is a trendy and relaxed space. Through the rearrangement and arrangement of these “market elements”, the space not only has the atmosphere of the market, but also full of visual tension.

▲空间轴测图,exploded axonometric diagram

▲项目内部空间,axon of the space

The use of these market objects does not only stop in the landscaping and decoration of the space, but also goes deep into the use of furniture in the space. There is no chair in the whole shop, and the seats of customers are all piled up with transfer boxes. This is like the “creation” of the wisdom of ordinary laborers in market life. Even if there is a new era and a new group of people, such “wisdom” can always impress the viewer.

There is no chair in the whole restaurant, and the seats of customers are all piled up with transfer boxes.

Leveraging the “Fruit Free Trade Market” to create a space full of a sense of market, lively, relaxed and casual are its soul. At the same time, we have created a scene beyond reality, which is more like a testing ground for young people, looking for the most comfortable position and the most beautiful background for taking pictures. Experience the familiar and unfamiliar space with a curious heart, so as to enrich your life.

▲借力与“水果自由贸易市场”营造一个充满市井感的空间 Leveraging the “Fruit Free Trade Market” to create a space full of a sense of market

▲项目空间插画表达,Project illustration

▲项目空间细节,detail of the space

▲收银区和出餐台,checkout counter and Dining table

▲项目空间细节,detail of the space













摄影:或者设计OR Design