
Selecting Natural Plants, Making Natural Foods

EUEU是一个汲取自然灵感的餐饮品牌,以咖啡、特调及简餐小食为主营产品;EUEU取自E – Enjoy享受U – Unique独特,将新奇的创意融合至饮食之中,灵感专研探索异域风味。

EUEU is a catering brand that absorbs inspiration from the nature, and specializes in coffee, handmade beverage and simple snack. For explanation of the brand name, E stands for Enjoy, U stands for Unique – it aims at adding novelty in foods and explores more exotic favors with inspiration.

位于广东惠州市的项目已是EUEU与SORA® 合作的第二家品牌门店,新门店增加了精酿酒类业态,使门店餐饮方面更为综合与丰富。

Located in Huizhou, Guangdong, this project is the second collaboration between EUEU and the SORA. The brand-new store has added in craft beer products which has enriches its comprehensive service range.

「择天然植物 · 制自然饮食」为EUEU的品牌理念,我们认为植物本身就蕴含着巨大的能量,并把这种想法根植于创作EUEU的品牌基因中。

“Selecting Natural Plants, Making Natural Foods” is the EUEU’s value. It believes in the enormous power of plants and roots this belief in branding.


The brand tone of EUEU is amusing and happy, we utilized the combination of green and yellow – both colors are extracted from lemons. They visually feel like an appetitive “sour taste”, and further stimulate people’s appetite. As for the graphics, we used the simplified token of subtropical plants that expresses a feeling of free summer and further shapes a passionate and refreshing brand image.


Cool and Cozy Corridor Bridge Alongside the Lakeshore


We have selected the concept of a “Subtropical Mining Cave” for the first store and built a comfortable venue for our visitors. For the second one, EUEU created a new place based on the “Lakeshore”. This project has a large-span fa?ade on architectural performance. With its brand tone and brand style, we hope to bring you the coziness and comfort by the lakeshore through spatial design, as well to strengthen the mobility function of the construction and to cheer up the atmosphere of the whole environment. This is how the idea of a “corridor bridge alongside the lakeshore” came into being.






The corridor bridge will break the whole space into three areas. The indoors and outdoors are divided by the bridges and upward stairs, and visitors will be attracted by the eye-catching corridor design and external ornament when entering. Inside, there will be two parts separated by the bridges and an attic. The right side is decorated by gallets and stone walls. Above this side lays a craft beer maker and outdoor-style furniture creating a transition area between the lakeshore and the internal space. On the left, we present a living region and stress the traces of life. The corridor bridge connects the indoors and outdoors, and people can walk through corridor by a bustling bar counter – by this way, the life traces will be emphasized again.














