“Ice cream car ” 、“ cream ”、“ straw ”,INdesign设计团队捕捉到一切关于甜品的元素联想,将甜蜜感和都市食客的柔软内在拟化到马卡龙色主导的整体空间架构中,营造出与麦当劳甜品相匹配、甜蜜属性与摩登气质兼备的场所。

“Ice cream car”, “cream” and “straw”, INdesign team captured all the elements of the dessert Association, integrated the sweetness and the softness of urban diners into the overall space structure dominated by macarone, and created a place matching McDonald’s dessert, with sweet honey attribute and modern temperament.


The final space presents a kind of scene immersion design aesthetics. At night, the dim neon effect and the use of giant “m” Geometric Logo create a magical surreal scene. The modern and romantic design breaks people‘s inherent impression of McDonald’s dessert station, and makes the younger brand positioning and emotional proposition directly hit people‘s hearts.


Just as creative desserts always make customers feel sweet and surprised, desserts are the source of all inspiration here. We combine the elements of interest, decoration and fantasy with the traditional forms of challenge and integrate them into the space language.

例如以吸管和冰淇淋为灵感的霓虹灯管,以及形似冰淇淋车的吧台,“ 冰淇淋流动 ” 的立面效果,ice cream 元素在整体空间内无处不在。

For example, the neon tube inspired by straw and ice cream, and the bar shaped like an ice cream truck, the facade effect of “ice cream flow”, ice cream elements are everywhere in the overall space.


In order to express the irregular lightness of “fruit” element, the design of chandelier relies on 3D printing technology. The light seeps out of the 3D openwork printing shell with rich details, just like a sculpture work of art.

麦当劳的“首席快乐官”——麦当劳叔叔(Ronald McDonald)也惊喜地出现在空间场景中。作为除圣诞老爷爷外最受儿童欢迎的IP形象,他友好、风趣、有亲和力,吸引小孩子和顾客们在消费的同时拍照打卡。顾客还可以坐在麦当劳叔叔的长椅上,等待他们的甜品。

McDonald’s “chief happiness officer” – Ronald McDonald also surprised to appear in the space scene. As the most popular IP image for children besides Santa, he is friendly, funny and friendly, attracting children and customers to take photos and punch cards at the same time of consumption. Customers can also sit on McDonald‘s uncle’s bench and wait for their dessert.






设计方:INdesign GROUP

项目设计 & 完成年份:Dec-19

项目总监:Raven、Hummer Zheng



建筑面积:29 ㎡






Project information——

Project name:McDonald‘s dessert station

Design:INdesign GROUP

Design year & Completion Year:2019/12/1

Project director:Raven、Hummer Zheng

Design team:Guo Jia 、Chen ai qian”

Project location:Outside the 1st floor, 15 fuxingmenwai street, xicheng district, Beijing

Gross Built Area (square meters):29 ㎡

Photo credits:McDonald’s
