
The project is located in the headquarters  of lenovo group, which is a young and vibrant community. The goal of the design is how to integrate into the community and show the young atmosphere of the restaurant .


The relationship network formed by people is the core of social network. Space influences people’s behavior design, and the focus comes from space’s thinking on the relationship between people’s activities. The space generated by different scales provides diverse social possibilities for different customers.


The transparent glass facade breaks the sense of encirclement, and the large floor-to-ceiling glass brings abundant light and energy, making use of the advantage of storey height, stretching the height of the space and shaping the comfortable feeling of the space.


The setting of different dining areas in the internal space allows people with different needs to find their own comfortable environment. The height of the floor creates a different sense of experience.The clean lines and soft details of the interior draw inspiration from the design style of the community , which reflects the fusion of connotation and vitality between brand cultures.The progressive space layer by layer drives the modern urban rhythm, it is  the young attitude that the brand wants to convey.




项目名称 : KFC北京联想总部店)

建筑事务所:  SwimmingPool STUDIO


项目完成年份: 2019年11月

主创建筑师:  李麟杰  Jeremy , 王卫  David

项目详细地址: 北京西北旺东路10号院1号楼

建筑面积(平方米): 234㎡

摄影师: Angie (pics©Yum China)

Project  information——

Project name:  KFC(Beijing Lenovo Headquarters)

Architect’Firm:  SwimmingPool STUDIO

Clients: Yum! Brands Inc., China Division

Completion Year:  November  2019

Lead Architects: Jeremy, David

Project location: Beijing Northwest Wangdong Road No. 10 Building NO.1

Gross Built Area (square meters):   234㎡

Photo credits:  Angie (pics©Yum China)