
UISMNET 是一个主张个体表达国际时装买手品牌,以独立开放的审美为时装设计及着装者提供一个国际视野及自我探索的时尚平台,致力于建立长期的用户关系及文化认同,为着装者提供简洁有力的时装方案。我们始终相信时装于人而言是一种自信的表达,「MAKE YOUR DAILY BE A FASHION」专注独立个体的创造才是隽永风尚。2022年11月SORA® 开始进行该项目的品牌策划、品牌设计与空间设计的服务,今年6月UISMNET进入试营业阶段。

UISMNET is a global fashion buyer brand that advocates the expression of individualism – a fashion platform providing international perspective and self-exploration for dressers and designers in an independent and open aesthetic attitude. It endeavors in building up long-term relationship with users and cultural recognition, and offers simple but powerful dressing schemes for them. UISMNET always believes that fashion stands for confident expression of individuals, “MAKE YOUR DAILY BE A FASHION”, and the creation of individual fashion is everlasting. In November 2022, SORA started over its branding project, branding design and spatial design. And in June of this year, UISMNET began its soft opening.


「UISM」;代表 YOU&USE,ISM 即主义,我们主张 “以你为中心的主义”,强调个体的自我探索及实用主义,尊重每个个体对时尚的多样解读与追求。「NET」;以国际化视野汲取时尚的发散性思维,如 “网”一般,编写每个独立风格的同时, 链接全球优秀设计师品牌,捕捉更多元日常的设计灵感。基于对品牌释义的理解,我们在品牌标识的体现上着重强调了UISMNET中的U字,字体呈外圆内方的造型;而对于品牌符号的诠释,我们将解构主义进行延展,灵感来源于服装与纸样的裁剪拼接手法,将U字进行相等分的结构与重组,将其秩序变换,演变组合为不同的造型符号,成为属于UISMNET的独特编程语言。

“UISM”, stands for YOU&USE, and “ISM” is a common suffix for ideologies. “UISM” stresses self-exploration and pragmatism, respecting diverse fashion understandings and needs of every individual. “NET” means the divergent mindset absorbing fashion from a global insight. Like a net, it presents individual styles, meanwhile, connects excellent designer brands in the world and captures design inspiration from daily life. Based on the brand concept, we emphasized the character U in brand token, with a shape of outside curve and inside square. We obtained this inspiration from cutting and splicing techniques in fashion design, and reconstructed the character U with different order and combination – becoming the unique symbol of UISMNET.



Also, the vertical layout of the logo has another meaning as well. We overlapped different brand names with “NET” and changed the structuralism form into special design layout. In this way, on one hand, it presented the interaction among different brands in different scenes; on the other hand, we stressed the “NET” meaning of the brand, to connect outstanding designer brands and collect daily design inspiration. At last, we undertook the concept of pragmatism throughout branding materials. The eye-catching brand token just like a sign. The brand sign, token and slogan were explicitly used on materials so as to vitalized and enriched the brand language.



The Pathfinder and Multi-dimension Maze.




According to the brand notion, we explained “NET” as the connection and network. In spatial design, we attempted to transformed planarization, which we often saw in daily life, into 3-dimentional forms. Therefore, we selected a “Multi-dimension Maze” as the embodiment to convey our idea. Mazes could exist in both 2D and 3D spaces. We hope to express this transformation process through different dimensions in this way, in order to accomplish 3D layers in the space, meanwhile, to transmit the concepts of “Pathfinder and Maze” to the customers.




We assimilate UISMNET with the maze. The complexity of maze rests in the combination of motionline layout rather than its structure. Just like fashion, the complexity of fashion reflects in the multi-dimension of different cultures and contents. The space design of UISMNET is quite intuitive. However, without the guidance of “Pathfinder”, customer experience could be quite complicated when selection of items seems be unordered. Under this circumstance, the brand staffs become very important in this space. This is a reverse thinking logic.


We used considerable inorganic fiber in spatial design. Inorganic fiber looks like cotton wool and blanket. We try to remain a lasting atmosphere through colossal utilization of inorganic fiber. When people touch it, they would feel familiar but strange. In this major tone, we added in other materials like stainless steel, bright surface spray-paint and rubber to bring partial changes without destroy of the overall harmony. Combined the brand value of “MAKE YOUR DAILY BE A FASHION”, we presented a daily atmosphere in materials usage rather than pioneer and frontline fashion.




Revitalization and Restart.


UISMNET 前身为成立于2016年的集合品牌买手店,名为MUSHION,是国内较早进入的多品牌集合店;此次重释品牌,旨在打造一个全新的品牌形象,传递个体表达,倡导能够融于日常的时尚设计;注重实用主义在服装、配饰、生活美学等多种艺术相关领域的设计化传达。通过独立开放的审美为时装设计者提供时尚交流平台,同时为着装者提供简洁有力的时装方案。

UISMNET 始终相信时装于人而言是一种自信的表达,「MAKE YOUR DAILY BE A FASHION」是品牌全新升级下希望传递时文化态度,专注独立个体的创造才是隽永风尚。

The predecessor of UISMNET is collective buyer store established in 2016, named MUSHION, who entered the domestic market in the quite early stage. This revitalization of the brand stressed more on individualism, advocated daily fashion design and focused on the practicality in clothes, accessories and life aesthetics. It provides a fashion communication platform for designers in an independent and open aesthetic attitude and offers simple but powerful dressing schemes for dressers.

UISMNET always believes that fashion stands for confident expression of individuals, “MAKE YOUR DAILY BE A FASHION” is the cultural attitude of this upgrade. The creation of individual fashion is what will be everlasting.







项目设计&完成年份:2022/ 2023







