
Situated on the main road to the coast near the west gate of Aranya community, the 1402 project is a coffee shop built into an existing red brick architecture with sloping roof. The architectural concept behind the renovation embraces the juxtaposition of the old and the new. The renovation includes two parts: the interior space and outdoor seating space.

▲  改造前


Within the interior space, we insert a new volume into the existing building. The rectangular box forms a new cafe experience that integrates the functional needs of seating, waiting area, pour over bar, display and landscape, while dividing the open space to offer guests a variety of spatial experience. The pigmented Dagu cement box extends to the street-facing facade of the red brick building, which defines a new visual focus for the originally dull facade, arousing the curiosity of guests to explore in the space.


The new glass facade features fully-operable folding doors and windows facing both the square and the outdoor cafe area, and increases interaction between the interior and the exterior. The core zone of the box is divided into semi-private seating and spaces with different scales. The spatial strategy promises comfortable sense of scale for guests from those who want to be alone to a couple of close friends.



Different from common cafe’s integrated form of pour over bar and espresso bar, we put an independent pour over bar in the center of the earth-like cement box. Guests can enjoy pour over coffee at the quiet pour over bar space or communicate with barista.


The cross-shaped outdoor platform helps maintain a visual continuity between indoor and outdoor, meanwhile dividing the outdoor seating into four areas. The fixed furniture of the exterior is made of the same pigmented Dagu cement with the interior cafe box, which strengthens the integrity and continuity of the interior and exterior. We strategically arrange outdoor partition walls with different heights, seating, tables and bar tables to create a sense of spatial enclosure and dynamic layering of space. In addition, the light grey exposed aggregate concrete for the exterior floors presents a soft and natural atmosphere of outdoor courtyard.

▲ 概念图 Concept 

▲ 平面图 plan

▲ 外轴测图 Exterior axonometric 

▲ 轴测图 Axonometric 



项目所在地:秦皇岛市昌黎县 阿那亚

建筑师:青山周平,藤井洋子,李嘉习 / B.L.U.E.建筑设计事务所





外摆区面积 :250㎡

设计周期:10.2020 – 12.2020

施工周期:01.2021 – 04.2021



Project Infomation——

Project Name: 1402 Coffee Shop in Aranya

Project Location: Changli, Qinhuangdao, Hebei Province, China

Architect: Shuhei Aoyama, Yoko fujii, Jiaxi Li

Client: 1402 Coffee

Construction Contractor: Beijing Dagu

Size: Single Floor

Site Area: 344 ㎡

Building Area: 94 ㎡ (Outdoor Area 250 ㎡)

Design Period: 10.2020 – 12.2020

Construction Period: 01.2021 – 04.2021

Materials: Dagu Cement, exposed aggregate concrete, stainless steel, solid oak

Photography Credit: Zhi Xia


青山周平  Aoyama/Shuhei,建筑师,B.L.U.E.建筑设计事务所 创始人,主持建筑师。



2005-2012年间工作于SAKO建筑设计工社,在“塘沽远洋国际小学校”项目中担任主设计师;2008年曾获得日本商业空间协会设计大奖赛银奖;2012 年应邀成为北方工业大学建筑与艺术学院讲师;2014年于北京创立了B.L.U.E.建筑设计事务所;2016年被评为中国建筑装饰协会年度中国室内设计十大新锐人物、40 UNDER 40中国设计杰出青年(2016-2017),2017年被评为第一财经中国最佳国际创业者,2017年度《北京青年周刊》 “年度设计师青年榜样”。

现今主要设计作品有“南锣鼓巷大杂院住宅改造(获得2016年中国建筑学会建筑创作奖银奖)”、“灯市口L形之家(获得2016年金堂奖年度最佳住宅公寓设计 )” 、 “ house vision 探索家 400盒子的社区城市”、 “苏州有熊文旅公寓”, “白塔寺胡同大杂院改造”, “承德森之谷温泉中心” , “北京木木美术馆改造” 、“%Arabica coffee 上海建国西路店” 等。

Shuhei AOYAMA,Architect,B.L.U.E. Architecture Studio Founding Partner, Principal Architect.

Shuhei AOYAMA, was born in Hiroshima, Japan in 1980. He graduated from Osaka University in 2003, two years after, to study at the University of Tokyo awarded his Master degree.

He worked for SAKO Architects in Beijing, China as a principal architect designed Tanggu Yuanyang International Primary School between 2005 and 2012.

He was invited to be a lecturer at College of Architecture and Arts, North China University of Technology since 2012, and set up B.L.U.E. Architecture Studio in Beijing in 2014.

In 2016, he was listed as one of the 10 most brilliant young designer by China Building Decoration Association.

His important architectural work includes “Nan Luo Gu Xiang Residential courtyard renovation”,awarded a sliver from Architectural Society of China in 2016,  “L house in Dengshikou Hutong ”,“ Lost and found furniture store in Beijing”, “The share community of 400 boxes”, “Traditional House renovation in Suzhou”, “ Sth_here hotel in Beijing Baitasi Hutong”, “ M WOODS Museum in Beijing LongFuSi ”, “ %Arabica coffee Shanghai West Jianguo Road ”, “ Forest Valley Hot spring Center ”.

