Coffee Machine Bakery是一家大型咖啡连锁店的旗舰咖啡馆,位于老城的中心地带。 这家咖啡馆是miyao的第一个街道零售项目。

The flagship coffee house of the large Coffee Machine chain, located in the historic center of the city. This cafe and bakery became their first major street retail project.

在这个项目中,要涵盖各式各样的场景-可以是在早上上班的路上喝咖啡,吃零食或是在下午举行工作会议,晚上见朋友的地方。此外,还要把重点放在面包店上,让咖啡馆成为街上的一道靓丽的风景线,使得来往的顾客目光集聚于此。 咖啡店的设计元素也要符合miyao和Coffee Machine Bakery一贯的品牌设定。

In this project, it was necessary to cover various shopping scenarios — one can get coffee on their way to work in the morning, have a snack or hold a working meeting in the afternoon, and meet friends in the evening. In addition, it was necessary to focus on the bakery, as well as make the cafe visually visible from the street. There was also a task to reflect the elements of the corporate identity of the company so that this network could be recognized.



▲游客打卡照片 图片来源于网络

在楼梯下,我们用带有日本元素的瓷砖创造了一个特殊的区域。 从而使这个区域更具视觉吸引力,它已经成为游客争相打卡的地方。

Under the stairs, we managed to create a special zone using glossy tiles in the Japanese style. This area is more visually attractive than functional, so it has become the most photographed by visitors.

这里有各种类型的座位,它可以容纳大小不同的游客群体。 这家咖啡店还能满足不同顾客的要求。用各式各样的座椅、材料来营造不同的氛围。从而解决了指定的设计任务,创造了一个复杂的室内空间,但在视觉上依然保持着简单和整齐。 一个人也完全可以在这里享受充满活力且轻松的一段时间。

The original brick has been preserved in this zone. The use of darker shades of decoration and spotlighting helped us create a more intimate area with various types of seats, so it could accommodate large and small groups of visitors.

在玻璃后面的房间是一个开放的面包房,从入口区域可以清楚地看到。由于视觉差,面包店似乎是站在这个区域上。 黑色的面板墙和白色的面包房形成鲜明的对比,在外面看厨房里发生的一切都很戏剧化和有趣。厨房的外面使用暗色调的装饰和聚光灯从而打造了一个具有亲密气息的区域。

There is an open bakery in the back of the room behind the glass, which is clearly visible from the entrance area. Due to the difference in height, it seems like the bakery stands on stage. A white bakery and a darkened room are separated by a wall with black volumetric panels, and thanks to the resulting contrast, everything that happens in the kitchen looks more dramatic and interesting.









项目名称:Coffee Machine Bakery





摄影师:Alexander Khom

project information——

Item name: Coffee Machine Bakery

Project address: Russia

Firm: Miyao

Completion year :2019

Area :151 square metres

Photographer: Alexander Khom