建筑师印第安纳波利斯艺术博物馆委托,在博物馆内的Virginia B. Fairbanks艺术与自然公园设计一座小商亭。

Commission for the Indianapolis Museum of Art to create an innovative concession stand for the 100 Acres: The Virginia B. Fairbanks Art & Nature Park.

▼小商亭成为了孩子们的乐园,the concession stand has been the kids fairyland




The design is based on the universal notion that you need to sacrifice something in order to make something new. Every product is a compound of different pieces of nature, whether it is a cell phone, a car, a stone floor or a wood board; they have all been harvested in one way or another. This project is about trying to harvest something as gently as possible so that the source of what we harvest is displayed in a pure, pedagogic and respectful way—respectful to both the source itself and to everyone visiting the building.

The raw material we selected is a 100-foot yellow poplar tree, the state tree of Indiana, known for its beauty, respectable size, and good properties as hardwood. We found a great specimen standing in a patch of forest outside of Anderson, Indiana. The goal was to make the best out of this specific poplar tree, from taking it down and through the whole process of transforming it into a useful building that is now part of one of the finest art parks in the United States. As the project proceeded, we continued to be surprised by all of the marvelous features that where revealed in refining a tree into a building; both in the level of craftsmanship and knowledge of woodworkers and arborists, and also of the tree itself.

▼大树化身为商亭,其本来的面貌得到了纯粹而真实的保留,the tree is transformed in a pure, pedagogic and respectful way

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▼树干的截面被纹上了博物馆的标志,the tree is marked with the emblem of the museum


▼这棵北美鹅掌楸来自印第安纳州的森林,yellow poplar tree comes from the forest outside of Anderson, Indiana


▼夜景,night view