聚落,字面意思是人们聚集的地方。从前人们会根据自然环境不断迁徙,在合适处落脚“逐地而居”, 然后自发地开展商贸,活动,市集,形成一个个小广场。人们在这里聚集,交流,生活,城市最初的公共空间的原型也发源于此。

A settlement is a place where people gather. In the past, people would migrate according to the natural environment and settle in an appropriate place where their activities required the creation of public spaces and plazas. People gathered, engaged in exchange, and lived in these communities. The prototype of the city’s first public space also originated here.


The pop-up market designed by FLIP studio for fashion brand ZUCZUG features a series of wood pavilions and installations. Through the abstraction and reconstruction of daily objects found in urban space and neighborhood, the design interprets the different brand themes of ZUCZUG by intricately designed series of wood structures that can be repeatedly disassembled and recycled.


Even though wood structure pop-up markets may not be uncommon, the structure is difficult to achieve true recycling due to unpredictable outdoor climate change and damage caused by the demolition process. Therefore, to meet the requirements of multiple disassembly, transportation and reconstruction poses no small challenge to the design of wood structure and their connections. The basic unit of these structures is 45x100mm timber, which is designed to be fixed by steel plates and bolts. The whole set of structures was first presented in the outdoor atrium of Kerry City, Pudong, Shanghai, before traveling to other locations. At present, the pop-up has travelled to Guiyang, Shenzhen, Kunming and other cities, and has successfully adapted to the size of different sites by changing the combination and spatial layouts of the pavilions.


The market consists of four wood pavilions including BAZAAR, FLAT, CONVENI, SITE and two other display installation associated with neighborhood space. Each pavilion is designed to correspond to different brand themes under ZUCZUG, in this way, they all have their own unique characters.


The core concept of BAZAAR pavilion is flexibility. The elements of tents and trolleys are extracted in the design. The structure of the tent is inspired by the metal structure telescopic tents often used in outdoor waiting areas, but the metal bars are replaced by timber structure. On the other hand, the design of the wood trolleys considers the needs of daily storage of clothing after maker close. This combination of telescopic tents and mobile display trolleys can flexibly adapt to the needs of different scenarios in the future.

公寓亭(FLAT),以三角形木构的几何语言与透明的阳光板结合,来抽象 “家”的空间结构。设计中特地选取了公寓中的阳台场景来体现居家的日常生活,比如窗台上可以收缩的晾衣架这种非常细微的生活小物件,也被用木构的方式呈现,“明目张胆”地侵占到街道空间,成为我们日常城市公共空间中的生活元素。

The FLAT pavilion uses triangular wood structure with translucent polycarbonate sheets to abstract the spatial structure of “home”. In the design, the sunroom balcony scene in the flat is exaggerated, for example, the expandable drying rack fixed outside the pavilion, reinterpreted with wood structure, tactically appropriates publics space, humorously reflecting our daily urban life.


The CONVENI pavilion uses wood structure with birch marine boards to present a straight, repetitive and modular space. The series of metal racks designed according to the needs of different clothing display in the space also responds to the theme of the convenient store.


The SITE pavilion has the smallest volume among the pavilions. The design uses a 1.25mx1.25m square plan as the basic unit. At the same time, the design extracts elements from construction site such as trolley, metal fence, and carpenter’s table, artistically reconstructed these elements into an abstract wood display structure.

另外,除了这四组展亭外,木构街区中还特别巧妙地安置了可供人休憩的 “街道板报栏”以及从小区健身器材获得灵感重新解构而生成的服饰展陈道具。这些用艺术化的抽象手法生成的带着各自性格属性的空间展亭、结构体、装置,在完成其展陈功能的同时,以相似的结构语言和多样化的形式,围合组织成充满生活气息的市集空间。当华灯初上,水泥森林中的商业空间回归到这样有机的空间形态,人来人往,城市聚落的烟火气息便也油然而生。

These pavilions, structures, and installations with their own personality attributes generated by artistic abstraction, use similar structural languages and diverse forms to form a vivid and lively urban market space. As the night falls upon the modern concrete forest, a wood structure neighborhood travels and settles, appearing like the organic public spaces of the past, providing a place for people to meet, gather and laugh.






主持设计师: 孙凯伦







Project Infotmation——

Project Name:ZUCZUG Pop-up Market

Project Location:Pudong Kerry Center, Shanghai


Design Studio:FLIP Studio

Principle Designer: Kailun Sun

Area:180 ㎡

Project Designer: Yaxin Zheng

Design Team: Zixuan Chen, Qichuan Tian, Qiuyu Mai, Haochen Tian

Photographer: Yunpu Cai

Design Time:2022.12-2023.02

Pop-up Period:2023.3.31-2023.04.13(travelled and was reassembled afterwards)