

People who experienced the war reflected on their own existence and produced the fantastic philosophy. Although in age of peace, we examine others more by the developed information exchange platform. In the face of the swarms of external evaluation, whether to accept assimilation or pretend to agree and flatter, or unswervingly follow to their own heart, everyone has their own answer.

When the brand owner who rebel tradition meets “mountain city” Chongqing with extremely rich individual character, it is destined to be an unusual encounter. With its geographical advantages and attention to public art, Chongqing has become a popular city online with both traditional history and cultural heritage and popular among young people. As a fashion pioneer jewelry brand that uses the design to touch feelings and express attitudes, the unique style of ONESWEAR coincides with the idea of promoting art and cultural experience of Chongqing IFS itself. The creative experience space designed by designers for the brand also becomes a window to express its independent spirit.


Space theme:Listen to you heart


The Internet age is full of abundant information in every modern person’s heart. Some people go with the flow, some people ask themselves. “Listen to your heart” is not just a slogan people just say it once. Instead of judging others, it is better to confront your own inner world and understand your own desires.

▲艺术装置:心 Art installation:Heart

▲装置“心”:成品参数 Installation “Heart”:the finished product parameters



The installation, themed with a beating heart, takes the center of the store that focusing on lights and sightlines. It has a strong sense of presence that reminds people of the importance of examining themselves. The designer did not deliberately imitate the shape of a real heart, but made it artistic and applied minimal surface theory to the installation.

The whole installation is made by glass fiber 3D printing process and using aluminum foil paper to make wrinkled texture on the surface which not only expresses the imagery of heart fiber, but also creates the fashion metal texture. It reflects the aesthetic feeling of rationality and restraint while creating artistic appearance.

▲装置“心”:铝箔纸打造的皱褶表面 Installation “Heart”:Corrugated surface made of aluminum foil


The left and right atria are actually separated from each other but depend on each other in form. We leave a wide passage in the middle, so that people can walk into their inner world. The sound device inside let people hear the sound of heartbeat in a relatively closed and independent space means to talk and communicate with themselves.

▲左右心房中间的通道 the passage between left and right atria

▲探索自己的内心 Explore inner world of themselves


The TVs outside the installation can see the scene inside the heart in real time. The inside can also communicate with the outside through irregular holes on the surface of the installation that increasing the interaction and interest between the inside and the outside.

▲能看到装置内部的屏幕 TVs can see the scene inside the heart

▲沟通内外的不规则形状孔洞 irregular-shaped holes that communicate the inside and the outside

除此之外,心脏上向外伸出了大大小小的 “血管”,管道口嵌入了各种平面镜、凹透镜、凸透镜,使来客在装置内外各个角度都可以看到不一样的自己,以一种生动有趣的方式让人们不断发掘自己的内心。

In addition, large and small “blood vessels” extend outwards from the Heart with plane mirrors, concave lenses and convex lenses at the mouth of the tube. Visitors can see different aspects of themselves from all angles inside and outside the installation and enabling people to explore their own hearts in a lively and interesting way.

▲“血管”通道口的各种镜子装置 Different kinds of mirror at the mouth of these “blood vessels”

▲心脏周围的细节 Surrounding detail of the Heart


Space analysis

▲轴测图:以心脏装置为中心的排布 Axonometric: arrangement that centered on the installation “Heart”


The project site is 8.85 meters wide and 9.75 meters deep while height is 4 meters. The plane shape is regular.

▲平面图:较为规整的平面布局 Plan:regular floor plan


In the design, the advantages of the original regular site are used to create a complete and unified free experience space. The wall with rammed earth paint is like a flowing ribbon surrounding the whole space. The wall that should be vertically intersected is chamfered. The soft and flowing shape of the curve itself gives people a soft and dynamic feeling. The stainless steel side of the wall reflects the exquisite sense of the jewelry shop and the pursuit of detail quality.

▲空间的飘带与中心装置 Flowing ribbon in the space and the center installation

▲空间飘带的交错与重叠 Staggered and overlapped flowing ribbon in the space

▲流动的柔和曲线 Flowing shape of the soft curve


Functionally, we put reception table, showcase, show window, warehouse and other functional space around this characteristic wall. The wall at the entrance and the showcase are nested and linked together, as if a bright jewelry embedded in the mall. The warehouse is also hidden behind the wall. The single volume forms a graceful composition in proportion to the flowing rammed earth wall.

▲全身镜与墙面展柜互相映射,延续空间曲线 Full-length mirror and wall display cases are mapped to each other, extending the spatial curve

▲错落的入墙展柜打破常规,点缀在墙面上 Scattered inside showcases break the convention and embellished on the wall

▲空间曲线之间嵌套的功能空间 The functional Spaces nested between spatial curves










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Project Information——

Project name:Listen to your heart · ONESWEAR Jewelry store in CHONGQING IFS

Designer:Shanghai Parallect Architecture Design Studio

Project Accomplish Date:9/2021

Team Leader:Di Huang

Design Team:Mingfeng Xiao , Di Huang, Fengdi Liu, Ying Sun

Project Address:CHONGQING IFS

Partners:Suzhou Re-design Studio

Building Area:98㎡

E-mail:[email protected]