Posts tagged "王言"
言昱设计 | 郑州伊卡莱朵spa

言昱设计 | 郑州伊卡莱朵spa

在繁忙的当代社会中,能与我们保持形影不离的,除了影子,还有焦虑,车水马龙的都市让人变得浮躁,人们则需要一方心灵的净土来寻求内心的安宁。养生SPA , 身心放松聚精气神,才能真正获得内心的自在。 In the busy contemporary society, inseparable from us, apart from the shadow, there is anxiety. The bus […]
言昱设计 | 俞舍瑜伽&普拉提

言昱设计 | 俞舍瑜伽&普拉提

安静是对热闹世界的艺术化补充,自带一种直抵人心的力量,让人包容复杂、接纳简单,从而发自内心地热爱生活。 Quietness is an artistic supplement to the lively world. It has a power that directly reaches the heart, allowing people to tolerate complexity and […]