
The unexpected pandemic broke the normality of our life. The world stagnated at 2020, while everyone has been suffering from social distancing, isolation, panic, psychological crisis… The interrelation between people is challenged. The relationship between individuals and the world is interrupted. All needs to be redefined.

Spatial Curation


“2020 Re-enacted” is a reflective experiment on our observations on human conditions during the times of pandemic. It is also a practice of spatial curation. The project locates at a 13x13m space at the hall of Guangzhou Design Week 2020. The client is Italian sintered stone brand LAMINAM. After fulfilling the needs to show their products such as tables, closet, etc. we integrated a series of art installations into the space, expressing our reflection upon the ongoing tragic.


The exhibition space is divided into a few fields by geometrical forms – the triangular form defines an iconic entrance, the elevated circular form defines a semi-open space, the square form defines a mysterious dark room. All were activated by 8 installations made with various media. By means of abstract and metaphorical forms, these installations developed into a series of question marks upon the current situation, all pointing towards the unknown future.

“2020 Re-enacted” is the projection of the world under transformation, as well as a reminder for us to reshape our hearts.

装置1 – 言语迷宫
Installation 1 – The labyrinth of words


What you see, and what you hear, and what you think, Is not what you see, and what you hear, and what you think is not what you see and what you hear and what you think is not, what you see, and what you hear and what you think.

装置2 – 紧急时刻
Installation 2 – Emergency


As the time goes by, the deconstructed red cross, was reconstructed with the shimmering blue lights.

装置3 – 白色监狱
stallation 3 – White Prison


Of the cage you cannot get out, With the legs you cannot run away, hrough the life you cannot dance.

装置4 – 戴口罩的大卫
Installation 4 – David with medical mask


Hey, David, as the symbol of courage, confidence and vitality, Are you also feeling sick? Why is the facial mask covering your eyes,Making you blind to this absurd world?

装置5 – 一起逃跑
Installation 5 – The paradox of escape


Let’s get out of here, Even though the ladder is an obvious paradox. Are you still going with me?

装置6 – 社交隔离
Installation 6 – Social isolation


So, each of us become an island, Isolated in the medical bottles, They are so transparent, yet distorted.

装置7 – 重新呼吸
Installation 7 – The Green Breath


The white balloons crowded the triangular space. They repel the sharp corner with fragility. The green light projects the QR code, which stands for health. Breathe in, breathe out,as the green light goes on the out.

装置8 – “福”到
Installation 8 – The fortune is coming


The huge wings of bat flew through the city sky, The sharp black triangles hovering upon people’s heart.


项目名称:重塑2020 – 广州设计周LAMINAM展厅







Projet Information——

Project Name: 2020 Re-enacted – LAMINAM Exhibition at Guangzhou Design Week

Design: PUJU

Location: Poly World Trade Centre, Guangzhou

Area: 170m²

Design Team: Yao Qian, Renzo, Lexi

Duration: Nov. 2020

Writer/Translator: Renzo