Buff Nail Studios位于布莱顿教堂街上一栋不起眼的商业建筑中,布莱顿是墨尔本一个富裕的沿海郊区,距离中央商业区约10公里。

Buff Nail Studios is located in a non-descript commercial building on Church Street in Brighton, an affluent coastal suburb of Melbourne about 10 kilometres from the central business district.

这是推出Buff Nail Studios品牌的试点地点。浅蓝色的门通往楼下的美甲店,这是一家以前曾被服装店占用经过装修的地下紧凑型79平方米(850平方英尺)的空间,。

This is a pilot location to launch the Buff Nail Studios brand. A powder-blue door leads downstairs to the nail boutique that is a renovated, compact, 79 square-metre (850 sq.ft) subterranean space that was previously occupied by a clothing store.

Buff旨在行业中建立新的标杆,他们认为他们缺少精品的产品,专门的设计用于提高客户的访问环境,旨在天然产品和卓越的专业护理相结合。为此,Nuff与位于墨尔本的室内设计公司Design by Golden合作。Golden(原身为亨特利)是一家总部位于墨尔本、屡获殊荣的设计工作室,由凯莉·多罗蒂奇和艾丽西娅·麦金姆于2013年成立。

Buff aims to create new benchmark in the industry which they feel is missing a boutique offering where natural products and superior specialist care are combined in an environment specifically designed to enhance the client’s each visit. To accomplish this, Nuff partnered with Melbourne based interior design firm Design by Golden.Golden (formerly We Are Huntly) is a Melbourne-based, award-winning design studio established in 2013 by Kylie Dorotic and Alicia McKimm. Tuija Seipell.


Rather than let the lack of natural light and the below-street-level space become a drawback, the designers set out to create a quiet, peaceful sanctuary with no distractions to allow the salon’s clients to relax and forget the busy world above while having their nails pampered. Controlling all the lighting allowed the designers to make light an integral tool in defining the space and the various functions within.

设计师们将指甲维护的通常体验与精品水疗的感性相结合,将实验室氛围与护理体验相结合。 柔和的色彩,独特的功能照明和最小的干扰在一个很容易感到幽闭恐惧和拥挤的空间,创造了清晰和和平的感觉。

Elevating the usual experience of nail maintenance, the designers have combined a laboratory vibe with a boutique spa sensibility. Pastel colours, distinctive functional lighting and minimal distractions create a sense of clarity and peace in a space that could have easily felt claustrophobic and crowded.


The treatment zone is anchored centrally with a leathered granite wash station integral for meticulous cleaning prior, during and after treatments for both clients and technicians. The increased focus on hygiene is evident in the high temperature cleaning depositories that sterilise all equipment and tools of nail care on trays throughout operation of the studio.





地址:47r Church Street, Brighton,
Victoria, Australia

摄影师:Sharyn Cairns
