
Hubei, a province of Jingchu culture and numerous natural lakes.


You is a contemporary Chu cuisine restaurant with a distinct brand culture. In this experiential dining space, with every step you take, you discover a new landscape. You can immerse yourself in the culture of Chu and experience its essence whether you dine here in spring, summer, autumn, or winter,


Experience its essence whether you dine here in spring, summer, autumn, or winter.


Draw inspiration from Le Corbusier’s Notre-Dame-du-Haut.

游YOU·新楚菜位于丽泽区,共三层空间,在这样的空间尺度中,LDH DESIGN从柯布西耶的朗香教堂中汲取灵感,通过打破常规空间结构和增加空间层次的手法,构筑出一个富有变化、灵动的餐饮空间。

YOU is a three-story space located in the Lize district, drawing design inspiration from Le Corbusier’s Notre-Dame-du-Haut. LDH Design employed unconventional spatial structures and added layers to create a dynamic and ever-changing dining environment.


A portion of the façade features glass curtain walls, while a folded arrangement of brass metal panels creates a recessed and non-conventional entrance, defining a distinctive and bold entryway. The strong visual contrast between the brass metal panels and the glass curtain walls is evident. Linear light strips on the walls illuminate the intricate texture of the brass metal panels while guiding people towards the deeper area of the space.


Passing through the entrance hall, guided by partial walls, visitors’ attention is immediately captivated by the artistic suspended fireplace upon entering the interior space. The uniquely designed fireplace serves as a visual focal point, resembling a sculptural artwork within the space. It creates a pleasant, relaxed, and warm atmosphere in the dining environment.

LDH DESIGN在空间中部置入几面金属屏风作为空间的软切割,划分出不同的两处空间功能。

LDH DESIGN has strategically placed several metal screens within the space, separating two different functional areas in a soft way.


Dinning area is on the one side of the main lobby, while the bar and afternoon tea lounge is on the opposite side. The space does not have clearly defined boundary walls but rather adopts an open format to cater to the users’ different activities such as dining, drinking, and afternoon tea, which take place during different time periods. In the evening, illuminated by golden lights, the translucent stone on the bar counter creates a sparkling crystal effect. The intricate and rich textures is highlighted with golden light hints adding to the rustic dark-colored walls.

东方情愫 自然安心

Natural power of Eastern sentiments


The third-floor terrace, oriented towards the south and north directions, serves as an extension of the indoor space. The extensive terraces with beautiful views of city provide  more dining options for diners.


项目名称|北京 游YOU.新楚菜

项目地点|中国 北京

项目面积|  1296㎡





Project Information——

Project Name:  YOU· New Chu Cuisine,Beijing

Project location:Beijing, China

Project area:1296㎡

Interior Design:Liu Daohua,

Design time:2021.12

Completion time:2022.09

Photographer:Zheng Yan