
Convey the Meaning of “Slow” in the Name of Simplicity


ORSLOW (ORSLOW朴期) is all-day restaurant providing light food, bakery, wine food, meanwhile, a mental resting place for urban citizens in this bustling city. With the inspiration of “⅓CLOCK”, it calls for the people to slow down one third paces in their life, to wander within time, and to return to the essence of life. Here, every cozy moment would be recorded and shared in relaxing time – interpreting the meaning of “slow” in the name of simplicity. In October, 2022, SORA® undertook its creative branding project, spatial design and brand upgrading service. And in April this year, ORSLOW opened with its brand-new image.

▲项目概览 An overview of the project


In daily life, punctuality is a virtue. However, we are often caught in the dilemma being chased by time and our busy urban life. ORSLOW wants to present the customers a simple, slow and brisk life experience, forgetting the time and escaping from chase.

▲户外吧台视角 Outdoor bar view

▲连通户外的吧台 Bar


Inspired by The Persistence of Memory by Salvador Dali, we refined the concept of “invalid time” and softened circles that represent clocks as ORSLOW’s brand token, and further applied in materials design of the brand. As for color selection, we chose earth tone colors that gives out warmth in order to stress the brand’s lifestyle value of pursuing simple life essence.

▲中心就餐区 Dining area


Enjoying Every Satisfied Moment under our Roof


According to the concept of “⅓CLOCK”(slowing down one third paces in life), we determined the design theme “moment under the roof”. What the roof is a comfortable and relaxing life status. We brought this slow living tempo into our spatial design for ORSLOW.

▲沿窗座位 Window seat


In structure, we designed a double roof with a brownish red layer and a creamy-white one. The brown roof has extended outwards and broadened the doorway area so as to obscure the boundary between inside and outside. Also, we creatively utilized a corner on the ground floor of the building and shaped a very special existence for the restaurant. The superposing and enclosing roofs as well divided two central positions under the roof, with pillar structures. And further we placed seats in different shapes inside this space.

▲可调节的包间区域 Adjustable private room

▲空间导入细节 Spatial import detail

▲酒架与就餐区 Wine rack and dining area

▲包间 Private dining room


On the side facing the street, open windows and doors could be opened in nice weather – strengthening the connection with outside. And the tailored brownish red sliding windows have matched with the external appearance of building and emphasized a free and light street atmosphere.

▲夜幕中的 In the night


Gathering Friends in Slow and Simple Ways


The first version of ORSLOW created a feast and party catering space, but its upgraded version focused more on ordinary consumers – all-day restaurant integrated in residential community.


In the design process, we based on the “⅓CLOCK” notion and encouraged people to slow down paces and return to simple life. For spatial design, the outdoor street atmosphere would enrich customers’ spatial experience. We also made full use of the corner position of the building and used large folding windows to highlight openness, in this way, the design has accentuated the notion “under the roof” and added in more interaction and spatial possibilities.


“Simplicity (朴)”stands for constructing a most simple habitat in our rushing life, and “Expectation (期)” stands for looking forward to gathering with beloved friends here. From the moment of sunrise to starry nights, we’ll see again in ORSLOW.

▲平面图 Plan

▲空间结构的动态演示Dynamic demonstration of spatial structure









