

No Final Chapter due to “Not Completed”

Continuously absorbed and appreciated due to “freshness”

时尚的魅力或在于此,在不同时期引领风潮,持续生长。而在其丰盈内容之下回归空间载 体构设,与其成为一个有刻度的“容器”,不如尝试以「未完成」的状态,描绘一个超越时 间维度,陪伴品牌成长与变化、鲜活而常新的存在。



This project is located in the Atrium Business Complex in Jinjiang District, Chengdu, next to TaiKooLi, the living urban heart of a city with a population of over 20 million people. pushButton is a Korean clothing brand that looks to open its first store in China. How to differentiate the store from others in this massive shopping complex, and connect customers through the design, helping them to gain better understanding of the brand have become major challenges of this project.


Part1 重现街头 Back to the street



White square small bricks are laid in turn to complete the overall filling and construction of space exterior elevation, which is free from the inherent cold impression of fashion stores and conforms to the inherent elements of the brand, neat and elegant, simple and durable.


Large glass and white frame lines stood between them to maximize the internal and external communication. Against the outer wall, the space turned into windows, and all kinds of clothes were displayed, making the work a natural indication of the space.


Pedestrians could have a rest here. Just like a street shop in Seoul’s new village, attracting fashionable people to stop by.


Part2 “画界初成” Start Charting



PuhBUTTON, since its inception, has been presented in its distinct, unique, interesting and bizarre visual context. How to design the brand’s first store in China with both artistic quality and practical functions, while at the same time being coherent with the brand’s characteristics?



视线沿拼花地板一路向前,白色岩板材质如伸展台般贯连首尾,似秀场,亦如展场。de Sede DS-1025 梯田沙发置于中点,柔软细腻,自由随性。

The line of sight goes all the way along the parquet floor, with white rock beam stretching from end to end like a fashion show or an art gallery. The de Sede DS-1025 sofa is placed in the middle point, giving a feeling of softness, comfort, and relaxation.

斑驳做旧墙体于两侧伫立,黑白网格似小小键帽,横向有序排列,3M法纱膜搭配亚克力板覆于其上,三面围聚,如纯白画布环绕周身。服饰好似提笔挥洒的灵动色彩,打破次元, 画界初成。

The mottled old walls stand on both sides, with black and white grids like computer keycaps arranged horizontally and orderly. The 3M gauze film is covered with acrylic panels and surrounded on three sides, such as a pure white canvas. Clothing is like a pencil swinging flexible colors, breaking the dimension, the beauty has just taken shape.

▲ 斑驳墙面


Part3 “幻诞不经” Break the mould



The interior of the space changes the street atmosphere, just like a small palace from the cartoons, which is orderly and unconventional in details and incorporates brand-specific interesting attributes.


The whole exhibition area mostly adopts light and breathable elements, such as acrylic and 3M yarn film, which simulates the material of stone and breaks the cold feeling of rock plates. At the same time, the addition of light highlights the main body of clothing and improving the spatial tonality.


For a clothing store, the display and match are particularly important. As a result, the exhibition shelves on both sides and the small round mirrors that could be seen everywhere were set up. While meeting the functional needs, this design element may also attract customers taking selfies for social media, providing them with more interesting shopping experience.

▲ 小圆镜

几何元素的高频使用、点线面交织其中,亦在无形中契合pushBUTTON 自带的漫画感,于细节处贴合怪而有趣的品牌基因。

The high-frequency use of geometric elements, intertwined points, lines and surfaces, also fit the cartoon sense of pushBUTTON in intangible, and the strange and interesting brand genes in details.

▲ 细部





Day and night changed, and the space was emitting a warm halo from the inside to the outside, just like the black and white comics gradually fell through time and revealed its color. It was fascinating and lit up ordinary life.

Push the button, don’t push the button.

Shine your light now.




▲ 平面图



设计方:Fei 薛菲



主案设计:Fei 薛菲

项目地址:四川省成都市 晶融汇1期101-11b


摄影版权:形在空间摄影 贺川



