在电商经济驱动下,商业空间的存在方式也在发生潜移默化的变化,线下门店逐渐强化了 “体验中心”、 “立体广告位”和以休闲社交为主的“第三空间”等功能属性。

Driven by the growth of E-commerce, retails space has been shifting from simple sales space to physical Ads for brands, experiential showrooms, and the 3rd space for customers to reflect, rest and reset.

BLUEMO的愿景是将自己打造成中国防蓝光时尚眼镜第一品牌。ICD承接了BLUEMO的品牌全案设计,为其提炼了品牌口号“I wear,I care”,提出时尚的外观与专业的视力保护本应共存的理念, 并在终端形象设计中充分表达了品牌精神。

Founded in 2019, BLUEMO visioned to be the top fashion and professional eyewear brand in China. ICD undertook the branding for BLUEMO and translated the brand identity into store design and all the visual presentations with a spiritual slogan “I wear, I care”.

BLUEMO 001店位于杭州CBD的远洋天地写字楼。作为杭州最高的眼镜空间,除了展销属性,它重塑和传播着眼镜佩戴风尚,也为周边办公的白领提供了休闲茶歇的社交场所。在品牌第一个落地的实体店中,ICD以鲜明的品牌策略和空间策略传达了引领行业趋势的新理念:

The first practice of the brand’s standard image is BLUEMO 001, a store renovated from part of its ‘working space. Located in the Central Business District, BLUEMO 001 is the highest eyewear store in Hangzhou, China. It also acts as the showroom of the brand and a coffee break place for the white-collars nearby. The space communicates the statement we’ve created for the brand in the following genres.

1 眼镜是必需品——从害眼模式到爱眼模式的空间切换

I. Eyewear is Necessity——Dangerous Encounter

由于项目位于写字楼高层,物业条件有限,商业氛围不足,我们利用有限的曝光面强化了视觉吸引:将入口一侧的墙面全部打开,嵌入一个通透的蓝盒子。品牌蓝Pantone2728c取自波长460 nm,即有益光波和有害光波的临界点位置。在电子产品充斥日常生活的今天,蓝光无处不在,当顾客被炫目的蓝色和危险的氛围所吸引,走进橱窗互动,而自己也成为橱窗展示的一部分。顺应客流方向悬挂的倾斜的层叠炫彩膜片,将橱窗里的顾客自然地导入卖场区。整个卖场空间为净柔的纯白空间,精准的色温控制让眼睛瞬间从不舒适的炫光蓝中得以舒缓。

The biggest challenge is how to invite people going all the way to the 9th floor of an office building. We took off the solid wall of the façade and inserted a blue box as a step-in interactive window. The brand signature blue Pantone2728 was extracted at the point between harmful and beneficial light with the wavelength 460 nm from the visible light spectrum. This overwhelming blue creates strong stopping power mimicking the situation that our lives are filled with electronic blue light. Going inside, the angled transparent panels shape natural entries leading people into the main sales space smoothly. There comes a calm and soft open space, giving a breath from the dynamic blue.

2 眼镜是配饰品——清晰的主题陈列消除选择障碍

II. Eyewear is Accessory——Effective VM Guides the Best Choices


Reading, Sporting, driving and styling, we categorized 600 pieces of glasses tailored to customer’s needs, including a wall displaying the best eyewear on each shape of face.

3 眼镜也有保鲜期——空间里的时间维度

III. Eyewear has its Shelf Life——Time labels in the space


We put such “time elements” as the calendar display props, Monday-to-Friday package in the store, kindly reminding that eyewear should be changed upon time, occasions and emotions.


In the semi-transparent VIP zone, customers can personalize the graphic of their frames. Outside the optometry room, people can have a coffee in the sofas making the waiting relaxing. 


ICD created strong brand identity and optimized shopping experience, that increases the repurchase rate and make BLUEMO a lifestyle eyewear brand.





项目:BLUEMO 001











Project Information——

Project:BLUEMO 001

Location:Ocean International Center A 901,Gong Shu District,Hangzhou, China

Branding/Interior Design:I Collective Design


Principal:ZHANG Zhen

Project Design:WANG Di


Materials:Acrylic panel, Lazer foil, 3M? Dichroic Glass Finishes, Corrugated aluminum plate, Terrazzo

Design Period:07/2020-08/2020

Construction Period:10/2020-12/2020

Photograph:ZHANG Zhen