01. 项目概况 | Project Overview

Usual Studio 寻常设计事务所新作“锦寄行精品生活馆坐落于杭州西湖满觉陇,是集家具饰品展示、茶歇、接洽功能的美学生活馆。地块紧邻满觉陇路,前庭后院,闹中取静,周边景致优美。

Usual Studio’s new work “Jinjihang” boutique furniture store, located in Manjuelong, West Lake, Hangzhou, is an aesthetic lifestyle house used as a display area for furniture and household decoration, tea break and contact. The site is close to Manjuelong Road with a front courtyard and a back yard to separate the space from the noisy neighborhood and enhance the beautiful scenery around.

▲ 满觉陇路 Manjuelong Road

02. 日常的诗意 | Daily Poetry


The site is located in Manjuelong a place with a typical misty and rainy artistic conception from Jiangnan, specialized in dealings with oriental-style furniture products. So the presentation of “Oriental aesthetics” naturally becomes the core concept of the transformation design. “Oriental aesthetics” is a general and obscure vocabulary. Can we visualize and perceive it?

▲ 雨落屋瓦 Rain on Roof Tiles


We found the fulcrum of the design from “rain on roof tiles” a small daily event with strong Jiangnan charm and applied it to the entire space.

▲ “浮瓦”设计 “Floating Tiles” Design


The “floating tile” extends from the original tile roof to the entire facade. This new facade can be sensed directly from both the inside and the outside space. With the tiles as the curtain, some parts are gently lifted, the indoor and outdoor landscapes can resonate with each other. Therefore a half-concealed facade image is formed.

▲ “浮瓦”立面 “Floating Tiles”Facade

03. 内外交融|Fusion of Inside and Outside


The transparent floor-to-ceiling glass closely connects the outdoor landscape and the indoor space. Walking around the exhibition hall feels like being in the nature.

▲ 建筑入口 The Building Entrance


The translucent facade skin composed of floating tiles filters the sunlight from the southwest and plays a role in shading. It also makes the indoor space being full of light and shadow changes. The design intent is to allow sunlight and scenery to gather and blend here, sublimating the space experience of the lifestyle house.

▲ 室内外空间的景观渗透 Landscape Penetration of Indoor and Outdoor Spaces

04. 温润之物|Warm Wood Tones


In the main space for furniture display, we use warm wood tones to highlight the comfort that are suitable of furniture products. The design uses a variety of materials,the combination of rattan, log material and dark marble, making the space present with a natural, warm and stable atmosphere.

▲ 家具展示一角 The Corner of Furniture Display

▲ 温润木色调 Warm Wood Tone 

▲ 设计采用多种材料 Design with Multiple Materials

05. 改造前后|Before and After Transformation


The project site before the renovation was originally a restaurant, which has been abandoned for many years. The renovated old house has gained a new life in terms of functional use. And it is also a benefit reflection and practice in response to traditional cultural space design.

▲ 改造前 Before Transformation

▲ 改造后 After Transformation

06. 技术图纸|Technical Drawings

▲ 轴测分解图 Axonometric Exploded View

▲ 首层平面图 The Ground Floor Plan

▲ 二层平面图 The Second Floor Plan

▲ 西南立面图 Southwest Elevation

▲ A-A 剖面图 Section View

▲ B-B 剖面图 Section View






设计公司:寻常设计事务所 USUAL Studio



设计团队:林经锐、王坤辉、温馨、Laura Canto López、吴海伦、关柳霞

