Coffee culture has become part of people’s daily lives, providing a perfect destination for socializing and relaxation.

此次受咖啡品牌Grid Coffee委託,在北京THE BOX朝外年輕力中心的特殊店型設計,商業定位以年輕的潮流群體為主,我們就在想,如何在這裡能提高識別度?
Commissioned by the coffee brand Grid Coffee, this unique store design at THE BOX located at Beijing’s Chaowai Urban Innovation Center caters to a youthful and trendy demographic. Our approach centered around how we could increase its visibility here.

整體商場的設計偏簡約工業風格,因此我們採用較鮮明的「Mid Century Modern」風格去對撞,中譯為「世紀中期現代主義」風格。該風格是的特色是色彩繽紛,溫馨而舒適,能與整體冷酷的大環境形成較大的反差,並在吸睛之餘也能達到體驗場景和心情上的轉換。
The overarching design of the mall leans towards a simple industrial style. Therefore, we chose to clash with a more distinct Mid-Century Modern style which is characterized by vibrant colors and a sense of warmth and coziness. It creates a significant contrast with the rugged and brisk surrounding environment while achieving a change of scenery and mood, as well as capturing attention.

There have been a number of well-known films and TV shows in recent years with the backdrop of this time period and design style, for instance, “The Grand Budapest Hotel,” “Mad Men,” “The Queen’s Gambit,” etc. It was first trending between 1945 and 1969.

With a focus on sleek and fluid forms, minimal decoration, functionality, warmth, future-oriented aesthetics, bold color combinations, and a blend of classic elegance and modern fashion, these key design concepts are interspersed throughout the entire project.

In terms of scene-setting, we chose the “office” as the theme and deliberately incorporated some furniture elements typically found in office spaces, adding a touch of amusement while maintaining functionality.

The modular furniture is designed for sustainable usage down the road. It not only adds a sense of amusement but also allows for more possibilities in transforming the space.

走,一起去Grid Coffee來杯黑鬍子美式~咱們下回見️
Come on, let’s get a Blackbeard’s Revenge Americano at Grid Coffee. Until next time!


项目名称:Grid Coffee
设计单位:Gokan Studio
摄影:形在空间 贺川