以艺术扣问生活,用策展联结商业,是Hello art对于线下实体商业的全新定义。当下实体商业处于低迷状态,我们尝试将空间定位于多元化美学场所,打造一个以艺术为核心,集合艺术咖啡+艺术画廊+艺术商品+青年艺术家孵化+拍摄的前沿青年艺术社区空间。用丰富的艺术场景,使用户通过美学消费体验提升生活品质,从而解锁线下商业的新流量密码。

Exploring life with art and connecting business with curation is the new definition of offline business by Hello art. The current Brick-and-mortar business is in a downturn. We are trying to position the space into diversified aesthetic places, creating a cutting-edge youth art community space with art as the core, such as integrating art coffee + art gallery + art merchandise + young artist incubation + photography and so on. Use rich artistic scenes to enable users to improve their quality of life through aesthetic consumption experience, thereby unlocking new traffic codes for offline businesses.

HELLO ART艺术客厅秉承对艺术本能的尊重和认同,设计中我们延伸了酒吧、舞台、音乐等多重元素,并通过技术化的手法呈现在室内空间中。

The HELLO ART art living room adheres to the respect and recognition of artistic instincts. In the design, we extended multiple elements such as bars, stages, and music and so on, to present them in the interior space through technical means.



新旧-破立-开合 矛盾关系的结合

Old and New-Break and Build- Separation and Combination, the combination of contradictory relations


Considering the space needs realize functions like art curation, the original structure of reinforced concrete is maintained in the design, and a large area of gray and white solid colors is reserved. At this time, the coordination of details, materials and lighting is particularly important.


A large number of metals, transparent materials, micro-cement and the original wall structure derive the opposite relationship in the space experience, and in the same time, form a visual impact, display paintings, photography and other related art works, and reserve more possibilities for the space




Bar counter



Continuing the space aesthetics of Xiangshan Art Community of Jiangnan buildings. we have set up an extra-long bar counter. Besides the original functions of tea, drinks and light meals, more areas are reserved for functional adjustments and changes; In addition to the function area of scattered seats in front of the bar, it can be used for behavior curation or art performance, etc.




Deck area



We set up a combination of multi-size decks to form a semi-fixed form. Different forms of combination changes can be made according to the needs of the activity. Seat backs against the window area visually open up the vertical space and perfectly integrate the inside and outside.




悬浮包厢 – 浮岛

Suspended Box – Floating Island



Create a privacy effect in the form of Shang Da Tian Ting; it can also be used as a DJ stand/speaker stand when there is a need for curatorial activities to achieve multi-functional purposes.







Multi-functional area



To provide conference, retail, display, because of the ground elevation and the intervention of sliding doors to make it open and close, to form an independent space, which can be integrated and switched independently among the main space.







我们始终遵循着以“场景化”为核心,艺术属性内容为流量密码,通过艺术与商业的联动探索空间的可能性,融汇多样化形式呈现于Hello Art艺术空间之中。

We always follow the “Scenario Design” as the core, and the content of artistic attributes as the traffic code, to explore the possibility of space through the coupling between art and business, and integrated various forms to present in the Hello Art space.



项目名称:Hello Art 艺术客厅


设计方:Artdeep 艺痴设计










Project Information——

Project name:Hello Art Living Room

Project type:Art Compound Space

Design:Artdeep Design

Contact e-mail:artdeep@artdeep.group

Design year:2021

Completion Year:2021

Leader designer & Team:JunJun Nee,Shaosheng Xue,Chen Ling,Jinlong Wang.

Project location:Room 101, E1 District, Xiangshan Art Commune, Chuangyi Road, Xihu District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province (next to the big chimney)

Gross built area:256㎡

Photo credit:Jiangping Hong

Clients:Shi Lin

Materials:Sintered stone,Changhong glass,Stainless steel,Graded resin,perforated plate,Acrylic.