HINOK是一家位于南京的精品服装买手店,此次项目为HINOK多年经营后的全新店面打 造,为创造出一种活泼、趣味的购物体验,步入式逐渐上升的坡道设计贯穿于整个空间。

HINOK is a fashion boutique store located in Nanjing. The objective of this project is to tailor a space with gradually-ascending walk-in ramp, creating a fun, breezy shopping experience at the very new store of HINOK.


Although the interior area of HINOK is relatively small, we attempt to create a visual experience of continuous exploration through the two traffic flows of the walk-in ramp, amplifying the typical small-space shopping experience.

空间的抬升在入口处两侧展开,上行阶梯与下行坡道分别采用了不同质感的材料,环形相 连的过道提供了一条往复的购物路线。

The ramp is expanded on the two sides of the entrance. We’ve designated two materials with different textures for the up ramp and down ramp while the connecting circular aisle provides a shopping path.


HINOK employs bold use of colors – a warm orange and a cold blue that transcends the entire space. The walls, floors and various countertops are painted in gray and wood as contrast to the main colors.


A flexible AA pillar display system is used on both sides of the ceramic tile wall to display goods of various sizes.


Other display systems are used as partitions between the ramp and the stair, also embellished with the main colors of orange and blue.

圆弧的盒子空间位于入口处,它同时囊括了收银与试衣间的双重功能,将买手店里两个主 要的功能空间合并在同一区域。

The arc-shaped box space is located at the entrance, functioning both as the cashier and the fitting room, exemplifying the most efficient use of space of a boutique store.

紧邻更衣室一侧,可单个自由翻转的多面三翻板同时作为佛龛式陈列、穿衣镜及洞洞板陈 列交替使用。三翻板可变化的陈列和功能满足了HINOK店铺内不同季节及主题陈列的需求。

Right next to the side of the fitting room, the freely rotating, multi-sided three flaps can be simultaneously used as Buddhist altar display, full-length mirror, or perforated board display. The variable functions and display satisfies the changing needs of HINOK in accordance with different seasons and themes.


项目名称: HINOK买手店

设计方: 一门社amass studio

公司网站: amassstudio.com

项目设计 & 完成年份: 2021

主创及设计团队: amassstudio

项目地址: 南京市凤羽路12号

建筑面积: 77㎡

摄影版权: 永年