Posts tagged "几里设计"
几里设计 | Anaago Bistro

几里设计 | Anaago Bistro

Anaago Bistro,选址重庆紫薇路,一个充满烟火趣味老城街区,是几里继Cancun Bistro之后,再一个城市街区改造设计实验点。作为紫薇路上所剩不多的店面之一,如何打造一个活力的社区集合点成为设计思路的发端。 Anaago Bistro in Chongqing’s Ziwei Road is a captivating city block and a new exper […]
几里设计 | Cancun Bistro

几里设计 | Cancun Bistro

“我相信有情感的建筑,’建筑’的生命就是它的美。” ——Luis Barraggan “I believe in an emotional architecture. And the architecture should move by its beauty.” ——Luis Barraggan ▲概念图来自网络 Conceptual image from the int […]