Posts tagged "百子湾"
设计秩序 | g***d cafe、展览、商店&工作室

设计秩序 | g***d cafe、展览、商店&工作室

2020年初春,我的一位法国女同学突然找到我,说她老公在酒吧通过打架认识的一起玩音乐的哥们想找人设计一间咖啡馆,要不要见面聊一聊,于是我便认识了g***d的主理人HAO和子杰。 In the early spring of 2020, a French classmate of mine suddenly contacted me. She mentioned that her husband h […]
设计秩序 | 百子湾 Bistro

设计秩序 | 百子湾 Bistro

这是业主在一号店的基础上进行品牌升级而开设的二店,项目场地位于北京百子湾紧邻铁路的交叉路口边上的独栋建筑一层。 This is the second store opened by the owner to upgrade the brand based on the first store. The site is located on the first floor of a single b […]