意大利高端艺术涂料品牌Novacolor于1982年成立,受益于其极具直觉和创造力的管理及精心选材,迅速发展, 为世界各地的建筑师和设计师提供内外墙全系列的质感效果, 石灰基以及用于现代城镇或历史古镇的艺术涂料。Novacolor品牌体验店惠州首店的室内建筑设计工作,委托于惠州极具创造力与高品质出品的LICO力高设计

Novacolor, a high-end Italian art paint brand, was founded in 1982. Thanks to its intuitive and creative management and careful selection of materials, Novacolor has developed rapidly, providing architects and designers around the world with a full range of texture effects, lime base and art paint for modern towns or historic towns. The interior architecture design of Novacolor Brand Experience Store, the first one in Huizhou, was commissioned by the highly creative and high-quality LICO Design.

▲Building Left View – worlds window 建筑左视图 – 世界之窗

▲Building Front View – Between Worlds LICO 建筑正视图 – 世界之间

创新力、高品质、对话是LICO力高设计的灵魂,基于Novacolor品牌客群以建筑师与设计师为主体,Novacolor对创新型、直觉、可行性、品质的品牌追求,以及LICO主张的50%DESIGN的设计理念等多维度考量下,“探索与对话”成为Novacolor品牌体验店室内建筑设计工作的核心理念,LICO将空间主题命名为“Between Worlds”,意为两个世界之间的互相探索与对话:涂料与建筑、直线与曲线、宇宙与人类、内与外、虚与实、个体与整体、品牌与顾客… …设计语言、元素及表达围绕Novacolor产品特性“自然肌理色彩”而展开。

Innovation, high quality and dialogue is the soul of LICO Design. Taking into account that architects and designers are the dominant clients of Novacolor,and the brand pursuit of Novacolor is focused on innovation, intuition, feasibility and quality, as well as the 50% DESIGN concept of LICO,〝exploration and dialogue〞has become the core concept for the interior architectural design of Novacolor Brand Experience Store. The space theme is named Between Worlds by LICO, meaning mutual exploration and dialogue between two worlds: paint and architecture, line and curve, universe and human, inside and outside, virtual and real, individual and whole, brand and customer etc.. The design language, elements and expressions all develop from Novacolor’s product features,“nature, texture and color”.

▲Entrance Device – Meteorite Gate 入口装置 – 陨石之门

▲Staircase – Rhythmic Moon 楼梯装置 – 韵律之月

Novacolor Store·Huizhou,LICO设计团队将Novacolor的产品与特性最大程度的直接运用到建筑外观、室内建筑以及空间装置上,希望区别于传统的产品展示方式,通过产品的直接运用,让访客和顾客可以直接与品牌对话。Novacolor品牌理念和产品特性借由建筑空间直接传递,以释放访客和顾客的自主性与选择权,访客与顾客自主自然地完成探索、感知、对话、认同、选择的过程。

Novacolor Store·Huizhou,The LICO Design team directly applies Novacolor’s products and features to the architecture’s appearance, interior architecture and spatial installation to the maximum extent. With the direct application of products, we hope to distinguish from the traditional way of product display and enable the visitors and customers talk directly with the brand. The brand concept and product features of Novacolor are directly conveyed by the architectural space to release the autonomy and choice of visitors and customers, who naturally complete the process of exploration, perception, dialogue, identification and selection.

▲Foyer Area 前厅区域

▲1st Floor Exchange Area 一层洽谈区域

▲Dialogue With Space 空间对话

▲2nd Floor Exchange Area 二层洽谈区域

▲Space Part-Explore 空间局部 – 探索

▲Space Planning & Structure Drawing 空间规划与结构图

▲Space Rendering 空间效果图





项目设计 & 完成年份:2020.12







摄影版权:隐象建筑摄影 | 欧阳云



Project Information——

Entry name:NOVACOLOR STORE·Huizhou


Contact E-mail:licogd@163.com

Project Design & Completion Year:2020.12

Main creative design: Eric Chon

Design team: Zhu Yanghuan, Lin Feng, Dong Huabin, Luo Qiuyue.

Technical Director: Xian Jinghua.

Construction execution: He Changhui.

Project Address:Yanda 2nd Road, Huicheng District, Huizhou City

Built-up Area:130㎡

Photography Copyright:Ouyang Yun

