ISU的店面设计灵感,来源于发型设计师,也是这家店的所有者Kevin De Bilde,他对待顾客和工作的态度细致入微,与Going East团队的设计理念不谋而合。设计师希望将这种细腻纯粹的质感带入到这间美发沙龙的氛围里。他们追求每一个细节的完美,专注于将每一种材质都发挥到恰如其分,又丝丝入扣。从定制的水槽,长椅,衣架,到每一件家具上龟裂的细纹,再到室外的植物配景,每一处细节无不展现着设计师对于材料的斟酌与苛求。步入美发店,来访者可以在每一处精心的雕琢中感受到贴心的温暖。

The starting approach of ISU Hair Salon was from the way Kevin De Bilde, the owner, cuts hair: simple, details and complexity. Treating the clients hair with natural products, the same way the designers treat all their materials. And that is what the designers would like to translate into the vision of materials. The designers focused on each single detail, from the bowl, benches, coat racks, to the crack of bole in everything, and the outdoor tree, every detail they could work out and that’s always a great gift. When the visitors can focus on the bigger and the smallest details, they will feel the same feeling that you wanted to show them.

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