ALL SH是一家经营鞋服的街头潮店,坐落在上海前法租界一条绿树成荫的街道上。墙面被剥离至原始状态,露出混凝土墙内部的铜锈色。

Located in the former French concession, Shanghai, on a tree lined street, ALL SH is a street wear shop selling clothing and shoes. The existing shell was stripped back to its raw state, exposing the patina of the concrete walls.

▼室外的粗混凝土墙,raw concrete wall on exterior



▼镜面拓宽了空间,mirror enlarge the space



The new insertion is a series of white thin vertical planes, installed at an angle through the space. The angle of these planes continues as stainless steel strips on the floor and ceiling, extending to the wall beyond, becoming mechanisms of display. Linehouse wanted to make the best use of the 20sqm space in order for the display of the product to be visible from the street, and draw consumers into the interior.The strong angled insertions are further reinforced with the angled concrete bench located on the exterior and the mirror counter which reflects the surrounding street scape.

▼垂直于地面的窄幅白板,white thin vertical planes


▼镜面柜台和混凝土墙,mirror counter and concrete wall


极简的镜面装饰、白色金属和不锈钢诠释了新旧概念之间的强烈反差。白板之间的间隔空嵌了镜面,衬托出斑驳的水泥墙,也突出了平板的纤薄。镜面的背后是储物空间,更衣间藏在最大的镜子背后。 In working with a minimal palette of mirror, white metal and stainless steel, there is a strong contrast between the existing and the new. The space in-between the planes is filled with mirror, reflecting the rough existing shell and emphasising the thinness of the inserted walls. These mirror panels operate as storage units behind, the biggest being a changing room.

▼新旧反差,contrast between existing and new






Year of completion: 2015

Architect: Linehouse

Photo credits: Benoit Florencon

Area: 20sqm Address: 94 Wuxing Road, Shanghai Linehouse