Collision Experiment




Collision and fusion, freedom and change of space, without limitation, are the new scenes created by DAS Lab after re-inspect the Sky Space. Based on the business logic as the first principle, the interior design not only for the space to give aesthetic aspect of thinking, more commercial operations provide stack space and the profitability of the whole time, also it create multiple value,the space can provide consumers with imagination, perfectly presented with coffee, bar, book, fair and exhibition in the complex spatial experience. It gradually shows its uniqueness and strong influence in the market, conveys the corresponding brand value and lifestyle, deducing freedom and plasticity.

DAS Lab基于对消费者的敏锐洞察,以及对未来趋势精准的捕捉,赋予项目独特的场景策略与品牌为载体之下的空间体验,诠释着品牌的精神内核。The Sky Space灵感来源于有着不同功能,形态各异的咖啡器皿。不同的咖啡器皿,萃取出不同的咖啡口感,我们力图去诠释这种无法具象表达的感官体验在空间中的形态表现。我们提取器皿的形态进行碰撞重组,体块之间的衔接,空间层次的递进,构建出空间的基本形态。

Based on its keen insight into consumers and accurate capture of future trends, DAS Lab endows the project with unique scene strategy and space experience under the influence of the brand, it expressing the core spiritual of the brand. The Sky Space was inspired by coffee vessels with different functions and shapes. Different coffee vessels make different coffee tastes, and we try to express the morphological expression of this sensory experience in space that cannot be concretely expressed. We extracted the forms of vessels for collision and reorganization, also constructed the basic forms of space by connecting the blocks and progressing the spatial levels.






The core of creation is to explore the details in life that are easy to be ignored but can touch people’s hearts, and to explore a philosophy about persistence and sustainability. When coffee beans are ground into powder after extraction, what kind of state should be?This question came into designers’ mind, a pioneering experiment about “how to use coffee beans again after grinding “begins, and then deduce extracting coffee grounds texture into cork, forming part of the space and artworks, calling for environmental protection, and also for sustainable.


In the process of researching the brand DNA and dynamic innovation, intelligent dimming system is added to the space to create space light feelings under a variety of experience modes and provide possibilities for diversity. As a coffee&book bar, the original building height is too high, so it’s not good for consumers’ emotional expression and sensory experience in the space, the designers intends to use the modelling of coffee bean shape to do the ceiling , kernel shape model such as beans lighting artworks hung on the ceiling, the designers orderly control the height of the space and temperament in this way.


The unique advantage of the site is that the space has great indoor and outdoor experience, and the outdoor area stands on a large surface of water. Designers divided and reorganized the space by implanted circular block, breaking the original rigid boundary and blurring the field inside and outside. The volume composed of frosted acrylic and worn metal constitutes to put as free and variable artworks for the space. Combined with flexible space, it can be used for art exhibition or weekend market, so as to achieve emotional connection with consumers.

当日与夜交汇,空间会在时间与光线下展现出其更为独特的质感。当视线游走至咖啡吧台,软木与古旧的金属质感相互映衬,空间弥漫着咖啡研磨后萃取的香气扑面而来,让形色的人们在昏黄的夕阳下置身于浓郁的、带有微酸的、果香味的深烘豆群之中。当夜幕降临,THE SKY SPACE将摇身一变,成为一个光线氤氲,气质朦胧的酒吧。

The space reveals its unique texture in time and light when the day time change into the night time. When you go to the coffee bar, the cork and the old metal texture set off each other, and the space is filled with the aroma of coffee after grinding, which makes people in the dim sunset place with rich, slightly sour, fruity flavor of deep baked beans. When night falls, the Sky Space will be transformed into a bar with dense and hazy light .


Day and night



DAS Lab设计的THE SKY SPACE,初衷正是营造一个有趣的场,可以跨越维度,创造出全新的可能性。

The original intention of the Sky Space by the design of DAS Lab is to create an interesting space, which can cross dimensions and create new possibilities.




项目地点:陕西 宝鸡



空间设计:DAS Lab

道具设计:DAS Lab


灯光设计:Delicht有束光照明设计 、上海恒纤照明

