我们旨在创建一个新的项目,以取代葡萄牙阿威罗圣贝尔纳多学校的 8 间基础教育教室。

The aim was to create a new project to replace 8 basic educational classrooms at São Bernardo School, in Aveiro, Portugal.


For about a decade, the school was housed in a prefabricated pavilion, now reused as a covered playground.Located between the cafeteria and the gym, the available terrain was a longitudinally East/West rectangular shape.

本次的设计概念是一栋两卷/两层的建筑,有一个独立的入口和屋顶覆盖物,因为阿威罗是葡萄牙降雨量最高的地区之一。除了 8 间教室外,该项目还包括一个教师休息室和一个健身房。

The concept was a two volume/two floors building, with an independent entrance and roof covering, as Aveiro is one of the highest rainfall districts in Portugal. In addition to the 8 classrooms, the program also included a teachers’ lounge and a gym.

将“服务空间”与“雇员空间”(Op. Cit. Louis Kahn)并列,提出的概念是将北面暴露在教室中,并沿着中央走廊分配“雇员”空间,大到足以存放下个性化的学生储物柜。

Juxtaposing “serviced spaces” with “servant spaces” (Op. Cit. Louis Kahn), the proposed concept was to consecrate the North exposure to the classrooms, and to distribute the “servant” spaces along the central corridor, big enough to have individualized student lockers.


This horizontal circulation longitudinal space is reproduced both in ground and first floor, with connection through a wide staircase, beginning in the two-story high, entrance hall.

该计划大致为矩形,“中心分隔”,教室立面切口严格暴露在北方向,以接收“完美的光线”,没有直接的太阳入射。特别是有盖的入口避开了东/西正交性,并通过 45º 轴对齐了人行道。

The plan is approximately rectangular, “centre parting”, with classroom façade cutouts strictly exposed to geographic North, to receive the “perfect light”, without direct solar incidence.Exceptionally the covered entrance evades the East / West orthogonality, and aligns the walkway trough an 45º axis.

四个斜坡铰接屋顶允许两个体积的轮廓剪影隐藏了在中部“山谷”中的 HVAC 设备和太阳能电池板。白色瓷砖和墙壁通过颜色统一了两个体量,Thermoclear 蓝色的外部框架框住了白色,天蓝色半透明门廊的亮度增加了建筑体量的不透明度。

The four slopes articulated roof allows a two volumes silhouette, that conceals in the middle “valley” the HVAC equipment and the solar panels.The white tile and walls option unifies by color the two volumes, the outer walkways in Thermoclear blue frames the white, adding to the opacity of the built mass the lightness of the translucent porches in sky blue.











Project Information——

Project Name:São Bernardo Elementary School, Aveiro

Architecture Firm:ARTE TECTóNiCA

Main Architect: João Cassiano Santos

Completion Date:2020

Gross Built Area:4375㎡

Photographer:Ivo Tavares Studio

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