Seesaw Coffee朝阳大悦城店位于商场书店层,空间作为生活馆片区规划的一部分,既相对独立又必须融入书店室内设计、符合其材料与调性上延续性的要求。

Seesaw Coffee is located in a Bookstore on the top level of the mall Chaoyang Joycity in Beijing. Being part of the life-style shop it wants to be independent yet fully merged into the general space, both in terms of materiality and ambience.


The site is surrounded by interior landscape and a glass curtain wall facing the outdoor terrace, and it’s pre-defined by multiple stepped platforms accessible from one single path.


In response to the context, the design features an imagery of “Plank Path – Water Surface – Floating Hut – Ship Deck Gar-den” by making use of the existing floor height difference creating a sunken plaza.


Stepping down from the bookstore onto the plank path, views of seating area is unveiled and displayed as one moves on. Passing by the coffee bar and sales display, one enters the seating area as if walking from the path into water, and then onto the sunken deck.


The ship deck feels like casual outdoor step seating. Blocks of wood and planters customized at high and low levels form altogether an outdoor garden, which coincides with the surrounding landscape while offering different options to take over the space. Sizes and rhythms are carefully considered to encourage uses of multiple target groups and social scenarios regarding comfort and a sense of security.


The main volume invites you to look to the skyline outside, and rest save the views to the interior and in-between. Customized lamps scatter through the shop as either landscape lighting or table lamp, become beacons of the overall sequence of the space.

▲模型图 Model

▲轴测图 Axon

▲平面图 Plan


Project Information——

项目名称: Seesaw Coffee朝阳大悦城

Project name: Seesaw Coffee Chaoyang Joycity

建筑事务所: nota建筑设计工作室

Architect’ Firm: Nota Architects

主创建筑师: 钱诗韵

Lead Architects: Shiyun Qian


Project Architect: Xiang Gao


Design Team:Shiyun Qian, Xiang Gao, Yikai Wang, Hongyi Cao

项目详细地址: 北京市朝阳北路101号朝阳大悦城9F06

Project location:  Chaoyang Joy City 9F06, 101 North Chaoyang Road, Beijing, China.

项目完成年份: 2018年

Completion Year: 2018

建筑面积(平方米):  221sqm

Gross Built Area (square meters):  221

摄影师: 梁山、钱诗韵

Photo credits: Shan Liang, Shiyun Qian

客户:Seesaw Coffee

Client: Seesaw Coffee


Construction: Chengyi Construction, Wang Liangxing team

建材商品牌 + 产品

Brands / Products

1. 上海此起景观工程有限公司+碳化木

1. Shanghai Ciqi Landscape engineering co. LTD &Carbonized wood

2. 媛艺+水磨石

2. Yuanyi&Terrazzo

3. 3M+3M贴膜

3. 3M &3M film

4. 杜邦+可丽耐

4. DuPont & Corian


Surrounding bookstore level interior design: Coba Design Qide Song

外围书店楼层景观设计:CN Flower 凌宗涌

Surrounding bookstore level landscape design: CN Flower Zongyong Ling