Posts tagged "临海"
壹壹文化 | 集泮·良食餐厅

壹壹文化 | 集泮·良食餐厅

临海而筑,依水而居,于花木葱茏,水光潋滟处,开启一场美的飨宴。 Built by the sea, living by the water, and enjoying a beautiful feast amidst lush flowers and trees and shimmering water. 从岛内地铁穿行而出,在国内唯一的海景地铁上,如画卷般的厦门最美的城市海岸一一展开:碧海蓝天、 […]
零壹城市 | 江南赞

零壹城市 | 江南赞

黄昏时分的临海古城,瓮城是孩子们的足球场,球撞向城墙,又弹回来,孩子们欢叫着,追逐着……可能他们根本不在意,刚才撞到的城砖,有可能来自宋朝…… At dusk, Wengcheng, as the old barbican of Linhai, Taizhou, Zhejiang Province, suddenly turns into a wonderful children’s […]