
Jiuguo Sanxun is located in Xiaodian District of Taiyuan, situated in the streets and alleys of two large communities. The site consists of two layers of space, inside and outside. In such a spatial scale, we combine traditional courtyard layout with modern commercial thinking, and make a rational balance between the two. By breaking through the conventional spatial structure and increasing spatial levels, we construct a diverse and dynamic dining space.

空 间 营 造Space creation

境 象environment


The restaurant aims to be in the city, avoid the hustle and bustle, and enjoy a natural and peaceful atmosphere. Based on the characteristics of traditional Chinese culture and combined with modern urban lifestyle, in the process of conceptual creativity, contrasting traditional Chinese garden architectural elements and typical modern building materials are applied to strengthen the concept of “de decoration” of the site and internal space.


In cities that pursue rapid commercial development, we always look back and reminisce about the once close and relaxed neighborhood relationships. A busy market setting up stalls on the street in the morning, and sharing a hot dinner with neighbors in the evening. These scenes are a part of urban memories, and we want to integrate such a harmonious community atmosphere into the fast-paced urban commerce, telling people living in the city in more contemporary language. We hope to use spatial design to bring back the memories of our close and relaxed neighbors to the community.


The door and window system is folded in dark gray to create a retreating, non straight faced polygonal door head, outlining a bold and processing space entrance. The gray metal plate creates a strong visual contrast with the door and window system, and the wall washing lamp illuminates the upper part of the facade. The RGB light source below brings a rich texture and atmosphere to the material, guiding diners towards the depths of the space.

空 间 氛 围Space atmosphere

印 象impression


In terms of spatial attributes, the restaurant’s folding window area is treated as an outdoor space, and through the selection and processing of materials, it is made more in line with the natural environment and expresses an affinity for nature. The ground is made of anti-corrosion wood used outdoors, with a color similar to the indoor wood veneer, creating a natural and rustic feeling.


We have deliberately designed the ceiling of this area to be lower and expanded the countertop of the folding window area as a seating area, in order to weaken the inner and outer boundaries and create a space of freedom, aiming to provide more scenarios and social attributes for diners during dining. After actual operation, this “gray space” has indeed become one of the most popular areas in the entire store.


Indoor entrance performance


We hope that the space design can change with the daily operation and development of the restaurant, and have the ability to accommodate various possibilities in the future. Therefore, although space returns to simplicity and simplicity in design expression, we believe that things can flow and evolve together with time only when there is some room left.

空 间 定 调Space tuning

意 象significance


Jiu Guo San Xun is a professional restaurant/bar that specializes in craft beer and charcoal barbecue. The design of the restaurant revolves around showcasing the two core products of wine and meat. The display of food and drinks starts from the moment you enter the restaurant, and the beer cooler is first seen at the entrance of the island bar. The craft cold storage is fully transparent, showcasing the diversity of choices. All seats revolve around these two sets of bars, forming a fusion and interweaving of three different functions: socializing, dining, and drinking.


The use of rich handmade materials in the space echoes the sincere and warm feeling. The cashier of the washed stone occupies the main position of the entrance space, and the metal shed located above echoes the attributes of the urban community, giving the space a simple and youthful atmosphere experience. The shape of the grille makes the impression of metal hardness and coldness disappear and become soft, while the remaining walls are handcrafted with natural textures of unevenness, thickness, and depth.


Just like Jiu Guo San Xun more focus to ingredients and cuisine, spatial design serves more as an auxiliary and supporting role. In the design process, we directly express the design concept through functionality and comfort, and by deploying more white space in the space, we make cooking and the food itself the visual center of the space. Most importantly, with the guests sitting in the restaurant enjoying a delicious meal, we ultimately make the space complete.


We draw on the dark tone commonly used in bars and bars in Europe and America, while emphasizing warmth in dimness: the use of metal and orange leather, complemented by a large amount of warm lighting. Against the backdrop of low saturation art paint and wood veneer, the space appears more exquisite and modern, reflecting the quality of the restaurant. The design uses a large number of hidden strip lights to highlight warm colored materials, and highlights key materials through local lighting, based on which the space is divided into levels and functional zones.

室内装饰选择则基于“自然”的概念,不过多进行“人为”装饰,因此选择了无复杂加工过程的材料,例如暴露的混凝土、黑色波浪金属板、艺术漆、青石板、木材和红砖。我们选择通过 “去装饰化”手法,突出原始建筑以及新注入元素的自然表现力,与传统的“覆盖性装饰”手法相反,我们试图 “发现”建筑的原始面,并将其转换为装饰元素。

The selection of interior decoration is based on the concept of “nature”, but often involves “artificial” decoration. Therefore, materials without complex processing processes were chosen, such as exposed concrete, black wavy metal panels, artistic paint, bluestone slabs, wood, and red bricks. We choose to use the “de decoration” technique to highlight the natural expression of the original building and newly injected elements. In contrast to the traditional “covering decoration” technique, we attempt to “discover” the original surface of the building and transform it into decorative elements.

软 陈 情 景Scenario

识 象cognition


We hope that the entire space adheres to the principles of simplicity, simplicity, and practicality, so the design has abandoned illusory decorations. Mainly made of simple and rustic materials, clear textured logs, warm colored artistic coatings, and blue bricks, people can deeply feel the beauty bestowed by the materials themselves.


This design faces multiple challenges such as location, cost, and market environment. We aim to leverage our strengths to transform the unique characteristics of the space into advantages, in order to meet functional needs and artistic expression. In the urban area, distinctive spatial styles and distinctive catering categories have formed differentiation, successfully attracting traffic. The thinking style of architects, the expression techniques of painters, and the logic of commercial space designers seem to have achieved a more harmonious effect in the three rounds of the wine tour project.


Faced with the slow recovery of the consumer market after the epidemic, the catering industry is facing a dilemma in the market pressure. “Light decoration” is undoubtedly an efficient business strategy for improving space quality in a short period of time. To achieve the upgrade effect of “four ounces and a thousand pounds”, owners and designers need to have a consistent vision of brand positioning and commercial goals. We benefit from this. So we saw an independent indoor space architecture; The series of relationships generated by the interaction between different regions; And the tension generated by the collision and combination of different elements

从注重短期效益  转向更关注长期效益

Shift from focusing on short-term benefits to paying more attention to long-term benefits


In the early planning and design of the entire project, the short-term and rapid profit recovery needs of the owners were taken into account, and the economic benefits of long-term operation were also taken into account. It was combined with the later operation, management, maintenance, and other aspects. Space oriented environmental transformation vs. capital oriented economic activation. We treat space as a chassis, focusing on image or style, but do we consider the economic logic behind it? How to activate assets? Perhaps this is the essence of design that aligns with the era of big business.


In the past two years, the ecosystem of the catering industry has shown a rapid iteration, focusing on internal competition within the industry. In the context of fierce competition, the opening of the courtyard barbecue restaurant Jiu Guo San Xun fully proves that the brand has sufficient competitiveness in an economic downturn environment. At the same time, we hope to find a stable spatial order that integrates the internal needs of the place with the external environment, becoming a common carrier for both.


At the beginning of the night, the community lights in the distance lit up one by one. The “Jiu Guo San Xun” logo on the door faced the small alleyway where people came and went, like the light of flames appearing in the darkness, with scorching shadows guiding those who came here; The interplay of light and shadow gradually fades and appears, adding a touch of impenetrable hazy interweaving and a mysterious sense of the future; The project combines contemporary and trendy commercial forms, integrates “internet celebrity economy, night economy, and community economy”, and creates a comprehensive planning and connection of three major theme commercial operations. “Jiu Guo San Xun” has become a potential commercial catering business card in this community, breaking through the entire shopping mall business chain with the brewing of a mysterious field.


Overview of the yard











