Atelier A工作室近年来已为网红餐饮品牌Fine设计多家门店,今年又一家新店Fine CHI居酒屋于在上海乌鲁木齐路开业。

Fine CHI Bistro & Canteen, another Fine’s trendy restaurant designed by Atelier A, opened this year on Wulumuqi Road in downtown Shanghai. Renovated from an old residence, the project values the history of the building, a philosophy that Atelier A firmly holds.


The fa?ade has a low-key but unique look, with its door and window frames made of distressed dark wood. Under the window is a bar table facing outward, creating a casual street-food-stand effect, as an extension of the cosy atmosphere inside. In order to utilise the space to its maximum, the cashier, air-conditioning, storage room and dumbwaiter are all put into one spatial box, surrounded by stairs leading to the second floor.

室内装饰秉承Atelier A一贯尊重建筑历史的原则,不对原始空间和材料进行过多改动。利用原有的梁做成灯光结构,地板采用回收的旧木板,墙面仅涂腻子,部分铺旧墙纸并做出故意撕坏的效果。整体风格不加矫饰,返朴还淳,呈现岁月沉淀感,与店铺周围老城区风貌相协调。

The design for interior decorations also conforms to the principle of authenticity. No unnecessary alternations are made to the space or materials of the original building. The beam is transformed as the lighting structure. Recycled wood is used for the floor. Nothing is applied on the walls but putty and old torn wallpapers. The overall unadorned and vintage style of the bistro is in harmony with the surrounding historical region.






位置: 中国上海乌鲁木齐路






Project Information——

Firm:Atelier A

Location:Wulumuqi Road, Shanghai, China


Project Architect:Yanwen (Lily) Zhu

Area:51 m²

Project Year:2021

Photographs:Byungmin Jeon