来自丹麦的设计工作室Space Copenhagen最近对一家餐厅进行了翻建,名为Le Pristine的这家餐厅位于比利时安特卫普,隶属于一位米其林三星级大厨Sergio Herman。与餐厅一院之隔, 则是Hermon与其合伙人共同创办的比利时高端奢侈潮牌Verso精品店,在一个月之前刚刚开门营业。

Danish design studio Space Copenhagen has revealed the interiors of Le Pristine, an ambitious restaurant project in Antwerp by Michelin acclaimed chef Sergio Herman. The project, which sees Herman partner with luxury Belgian fashion brand Verso, opened last month and features an a la carte restaurant and café/deli.

Le Pristine餐厅是一个宽敞的长方形大开间,占地面积445平方米,这里是一座20世纪60年代现代主义建筑的底层。这栋建筑有一部分被拆除了,遗留下来的一些建筑元素被暴露在外。Space Copenhagen保留了一些这种富有戏剧性的斑驳的痕迹,让人们从视觉上直接感受到建筑的变迁。附近一座17世纪巴洛克风格的宅邸,其庭院也成为了Le Pristine餐厅的一部分,并给餐厅增添了些许古色古香的味道。同时,从这里也可以望见另一边的Verso精品店。

Le Pristine is a long, generous 445 sqm space that occupies the ground floor of a 1960s modernist building that had been left partly demolished, leaving some structural elements exposed. Space Copenhagen has kept some of these dramatic unfinished elements to visually tell the story of the building’s transformation. The courtyard of a neighbouring Baroque 17th Century mansion also forms part of Le Pristine, adding to the rich patina of the restaurant and a view into Verso luxury fashion boutique that lies within.

对于Space Copenhagen的创始人Signe Bindslev Henriksen和Peter Bundgaard Rvtzou来说,他们通过自己的设计,将艺术、美食和建筑交织在一起,使Le Pristine餐厅重获生机与活力,以此来表达对安特卫普这座城市的热爱之情。Space Copenhagen视它为一个完美融合各种不同事物的集大成者,打造出一个虽身处现代,但同时又可追溯过往,向这座城市的建筑和艺术表达敬意的空间。室内呈现给人的是一幅历史与现代的拼贴画,它是厨师、艺术家和工匠们的集体智慧的结晶。

For founders of Space Copenhagen, Signe Bindslev Henriksen and Peter Bundgaard Ru?tzou, bringing Le Pristine to life has been an exercise in using design to weave together art, gastronomy and architecture, resulting in a project that seeks to celebrate Antwerp as a destination. Space Copenhagen saw its role as orchestrating a composition of diverse references, creating a space that feels distinctly modern, while reaching back in time to honour the architecture and art of the city. The interiors play host to an inviting collage of historic references and contemporary palettes, harnessing the collective energy of the chefs, artists, and craftspeople involved including Sabine Marcelis and Maarten Baas.

了解安特卫普的人都知道,这座城市虽然不大,但却有着极强的设计力和浓厚的文化艺术气息,这也是打造Le Pristine餐厅的关键所在。Space Copenhagen借鉴了弗兰德和荷兰艺术大师们的色彩运用,使用柔和的铁锈红、乳白黑、沙色和灰色色调。他们与工匠和手工艺人密切合作,用气韵、材料和历史印记制作了一块真正意义上的定制织锦。

Understanding Antwerp, its atmosphere and its rich cultural and artistic roots were paramount in creating Le Pristine. Space Copenhagen used the great Flemish and Dutch masters as a reference for the colour palette of subdued warm rusty reds, milky black, sand and grey tones. They also worked closely with numerous artisans and
craftspeople to create a truly bespoke tapestry of textures, materials and references.

除了这些创造性的集合,Le Pristine餐厅还拥有特色鲜明的装饰照明,以及由Maarten Baas和Bertjan Pot设计的遮阳棚和超级大气的前台,这些地方都展示了他们两人合作开发的一种独特的金属黏土工艺——Leds Clay。

Le Pristine celebrates creative collaboration and also features decorative lighting, an awning and a spectacular reception desk designed by Maarten Baas and Bertjan Pot. These pieces showcase Leds Clay, a unique metal clay technique developed by Maarten and Bertjan.