
World of Sunac is located in Jinnan District, Tianjin, which is a large-scale community supported with the neighborhood commercial. As a parent-child business format, Sunac Classroom has also been implanted in the community. NONEZONE takes the journey of fantasy as the design clue and shapes an experience space for children by using IP and scene.

项目前身为高尔夫会所,在设计之初面临消防、结构以及暖通的综合调整。 设计从三只小猪的房子故事线出发,将草绳房、木头房和城堡屋植入场地中串联动线

The project used to be a golf club, so from the beginning of the design, it faced a comprehensive system adjustment of fire control, structure and HVAC. Starting from the house of three little pigs, the design implants Straw Rope House, Wood House and Castle House into the site, connecting the whole circulation.

草绳房位于场地中间位置,功能包括了水吧与攀爬站与绳网塔连接,在换鞋区与图书室以及中央活动区均可见 其中的服务人员也具有良好的视野照顾场地的儿童活动情况

Located in the middle of the site, Straw Rope House features a water bar and a climbing area, connected to Rope Net Tower. It can be seen in the shoe changing area and the library as well as the central area for events. The service staff in it also has a good view to take care of the children playing in the venue.


Wood House, in the shape of a piglet with the drawings turned upside down, was built above the site。


城堡房内部为手工教室,二楼有联通其他房子的绳桥 ,立体化的动线扩大了儿童活动范围,也更具探索的趣味

Inside Castle House, there is a manual-training classroom. And a rope bridge connecting other houses is on the second floor. The three-dimensional design of circulation expands the scope of children’s activities and makes it more interesting to explore


The open design of space is to meet the needs of parents to look after their children, and the color selection is based on soft and similar tones, in order to highlight the tension of the interior shape

软装以定制为主 着重考虑了以儿童作为设计尺度 与场地12M的层高高度形成对比

The soft decoration is mainly customized, focusing on the convenience of children, with their height as the design scale, which forms a contrast with the 12-meter storey height of the site














