Think Health 作为一个以“治疗和营养”为主题的空间,在自然主义概念的指导下,专注于为公众寻求健康和幸福。
Think Health is a therapy and nutritional guidance space, under a concept of naturist approach focused on the public that seeks their well-being.
The space forms naturally this concept through the shape, or absence of it, creating an unic moment, open and dynamic, where the few constructive elements captivate us to disconcerting but formalizing perspectives of the space.
Assuming transparency as if the space was a single one, where everything can be seen and understood, as if it was an oasis, reinforcing the idea of “seeing and being seen”. The color translates the concept and looks to inspire a peaceful and natural vegetation environment.
The space is composed of a treatment room, an office and a common area that is characterized by its calm and welcoming environment where permanece is in itself contemplative and seductive.
Think Health 坐落于一个综合但不那么有趣的城市中心,通过与自身建立对话的强度向外界展示自己,以激发周围环境的态度。这种方式旨在用消除内部和外部边界的方式来创造扩大与城市之间的空间。
Located in a consolidated and not so interesting urban center, Think Health takes on an attitude to inspire its surroundings, by showing itself to the outside with the same intensity as the dialogue established with itself.This way, the intention is created in a way where the inside and outside boundaries are lost, in order to expand the space to and from the urban space.
项目名称:Think Health naturopathy
项目团队:BOX arquitectos
项目建筑师:Barbara Morgado/Oscar Catarino
项目地点:蓬塔德尔加达 – 亚速尔群岛 – 葡萄牙
建筑单位:ARTIMOVEL – carpintaria
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