
Located in Shiquan Street, a historic district of Suzhou, it is a warm bakery that serves the surrounding community. Warmth, health, kindness, comfort and freedom are our expression for this design.

▲店铺外观,external view of the store ©王正亚

空间主要采用的材质 :陶土砖玻璃砖,橡木,水磨石,桦木等更室外运用相对较多并且更有呼吸感贴近自然的材料,设计希望模糊室内外的界限  在室内也能感受到室外的自然舒适以及十全街流动人群带来的活力。

The materials used in this design include terracotta brick, glass brick, oak, terrazzo, birch and outdoor materials that are more breathable and close to nature. We hope to blur the boundary between inside and outside, so that users can feel the natural comfort outside as well as the vitality brought by the flowing crowd in Shiquan Street.

▲大开窗和室外座位,large windows and outdoor seating area ©王正亚


We have an open booth area, and when you open the folding wooden window, the whole scene of the interior will come into view with the fragrance. The first floor is a sales space, whose glass brick allows products to be piled up as a sales center, increasing customers’ desire to place the order. Vitreous brick lets dimensional vision more fully, which foiling the product texture.

▲一层空间概览,overall view of the first floor space ©王正亚

▲室内外界限模糊,blurred boundary between the interior and the outside environment ©王正亚

▲展示空间,display area ©王正亚


In the historic streets of Suzhou, we also added traditional elements to the space with props.

传统元素的运用,use of traditional elements ©王正亚

二楼空间为堂食与面包制作区域 ,为了让空间更有趣味性。所以客座区的形式各有不同。也增加了社交属性和复购次数。窗边的吧台设置让客人可以俯瞰十全街  与自然有紧密的沟通。

The space on the second floor is for dining and bread making. In order to make the space more amusing, we set up different guest areas, also increase the social attributes and the number of re-purchases.  The bar by the window allows guests to overlook Shiquan Street and communicate closely with nature.

▲二层空间概览,overall view of the second floor space ©王正亚

▲不同的座位区various seating areas ©王正亚

▲靠墙的小座位small seatings along the wall ©王正亚

▲看向窗外的吧台bar seating facing the window ©王正亚


Guests can see the baking process in the production room through the glass, which increases the trust of food health and the brand concept of healthy diet. Finally, they can feel the temperature and enjoy the food happily in a pleasant atmosphere, which not only warms the taste buds, but also conveys mild heart.

▲仰望屋顶和夹层空间,look up at the roof and mezzanine ©王正亚

▲分解轴测图,exploded axonometric ©ZooCN Lab

▲一层平面图,first floor plan ©ZooCN Lab

▲二层平面图,second floor plan ©ZooCN Lab


项目名称:poka poka 面包商店










客户:poka poka 面包商店

装修主材:立邦漆墙面涂料 亦本亦木地板 小火柴瓷砖