诺邸书店(Nordic Books)位于宁波老外滩,面朝甬江,建筑前身为四层楼的银行办公楼建筑。作为新体验式零售空间,诺邸书店致力于展示北欧的优质设计,出版物及生活方式。

Situated in a historic building on the iconic banks of Ningbo’s Yongjiang River, Nordic Books is a newly conceived experiential retail destination, dedicated to showcasing Nordic design, publications, and lifestyle.


In conceptualizing the four-story premise, Yatofu Creatives sought to evoke the soft contemporary feel of Nordic design, while preserving traces of the building’s historical past. This honest approach expands upon the foundation of the project’s core purpose: to promote the authentic values behind Nordic lifestyle and to showcase an expanded understanding to an international audience.

▲ 立面图


The programming of Nordic Books is separated by the different floors but comes together to form a cohesive and immersive visiting experience. Upon entering Nordic Books, visitors are first welcomed by the Feitan Dessert Bar on the first floor, which features a contrasting material palette of muted lime green micro-cement against the more modern and dramatic blackened steel.


The bar itself is hooded by a cascade of greenery, emphasizing the blurring of boundaries created by the indoor-outdoor window seats. Towards the back of the space, a sculptural staircase sweeps through the four-floor building.


The second floor features an open gallery space and showroom, decked fully in a dark chocolate oak parquet and softly colored micro-cement walls. The space is kept neutral and inviting while punctuated by the organic textures in the exposed brick wall and natural granite display volumes.


The third floor is comprised of a retail space, furnished with a range of sculptural display structures. Apart from the main open retail area this floor also features two focus sections to display individual collections. The first section is clad in full dark charcoal, with blackened steel shelves. The second section rises in the center of the room as an enclosed rotunda with a contrasting clay-colored interior.


On the top floor sits the versatile event and co-working space where workshops, lectures and other cultural events often take place. This floor is defined by the subdued mint green hue of the ceiling and walls, combined with a floor-to-ceiling wall of windows that bask the space in natural light.


Material textures can often be artifacts of time. A combination of preserved original surfaces, organic materials, and finishes that show the textural strokes of manual application, come together to form a story that evokes the integration of time and people. Every aspect of Nordic Books is designed to reinforce and enrich the customers’ understanding of Nordic design and lifestyle; from the soft yet vibrant color palette of each individual floor, to the material-rich fixtures that are custom-designed for the space. We envisioned Nordic Books as a bridge between Nordic creatives and the Chinese audience, where dialogues about culture and values can be shared.

▲ 平面图



室内设计事务所:Yatofu Creatives

联络咨询:[email protected]



项目类型: 公共书店、多功能新零售空间、休闲社交空间、活动空间


完工时间: 2021年1月

项目面积: 572平方米

设计团队: Angela Lindahl, Yihan Xiang, Sheen Tao

主要材料: 石灰石、大理石,瓷砖、水磨石、微水泥墙体饰面、橡木拼花地板、 复古纹理镜、黑色热轧钢


吊灯 – menu

边桌 – &Tradition

配套桌椅 – Grado Design Tables,

椅子 – Infiniti以及Hay

展陈室家具 – Ziinlife

空间摄影:Wen Studio

静物摄影: Aleksi Tikkala

静物陈设: Piia Emilia


Project Name: Nordic Books Bookstore

Interior Designer: Yatofu Creatives

General Enquiry: [email protected]

Website: https://yatofu.com

Instagram: @yatofu_creatives

Project Type: bookstore, public space, multi-functional retail space, hospitality space, event space

Location: Ningbo, Zhejiang Province, China

Completion Date: January, 2021

GFA: 572sqm

Design Team: Angela Lindahl, Yihan Xiang, Sheen Tao


stones, tiles, terrazzo, micro-cement wall finish, oak parquet flooring, antiqued mirror, blackened metal


pendant light – menu

side table- &Tradition

tables and armchair- Grado Design Tables,

chairs: Infiniti and Hay

showroom furniture – Ziinlife

Interior Photography: Wen Studio

Still-Life Photography: Aleksi Tikkala

Still-Life Styling: Piia Emilia


Yatofu 于2017 年创立于芬兰赫尔辛基,经过不断地发展拥有了一支国际化的团队,并在中国上海设有分部。从工作室成立初期,多元化的团队、跨文化融合的环境、对整体设计与商业敏锐的理解便根植于工作室基因中。与此同时,对文化差异的敏锐思考,使得我们在探索设计多样性的同时进行挑战性创新。Yatofu 赋予设计及每个项目与众不同的理念,从诗意化的空间设计到富有意义的品牌设计,我们致力于从不同角度思考,希望通过创造有意义的体验,发掘情感共鸣,从而改变并提升生活之日常。Yatofu 团队成员是设计师、探索者、手工艺人,是艺术家,也是叙述者。我们相信设计是解决方案的代名词,更是情感与经历的体现。整体设计及多元化的独特工作方式使得Yatofu 能够进行开拓性的设计工作,从而创造出感官丰富、唤起共鸣的设计成果。

Yatofu was founded in Helsinki in 2017, and has consistently grown with an international presence and team. A global understanding of design and business is built straight into our DNA. Our innate sensitivity to cultural nuances allows us to bravely challenge boundaries while celebrating diversity.

We see our work as anything but ordinary. From poetic spaces to meaningful branding, we are constantly considering our work from different angles. We believe that by creating meaningful experiences and uncovering emotional echoes,we can elevate and transform the mundane aspects of everyday life.

We believe that design is an expression of identity, and at Yatofu Creatives our creativity is reflected through the archive of our people, culture, processes, and experiences. We are a team of explorers, tinkerers, artists, and storytellers who believe that Design is just as synonymous with Solutions as it is with Exploration. Our process allows us to collaborate boldly and bravely with our clients, producing outcomes and results that are both intuitive and striking.

We view every project as an opportunity to challenge our curiosities. Through imagination, research, and an empathetic understanding of our clients, we create valuable design solutions that both surprises and resonates.


创始人:Angela Lindahl, Yihan Xiang

Yatofu 的两位创始人Angela Lindahl 和向奕翰拥有多元生活与工作背景,他们的生活经历遍及欧洲、亚洲及北美。两位设计师成立工作室的初衷旨在用更包容的态度,通过设计与更广泛的受众进行对话。创始人Angela Lindahl 出生于台湾成长于加拿大,成长中于不同国家的创意产业从事设计研究工作。早在获得纽约普瑞特学院(Pratt Institute)工业设计学士学位前,Angela 便展现了对设计创作的热忱,后前往芬兰赫尔辛基深造,获得阿尔托大学(Aalto University)室内建筑硕士学位。拥有空间设计和产品设计的综合经验,使得Angela 在处理不同尺度项目及跨学科性质的工作时,能够整体把控设计理念及细节特质。

The two founding designers of Yatofu Creatives, Angela Lindahl and Yihan Xiang, possess a combined geographic background that spreads across Asia, North America and Europe. The duo started their design studio with the intention of bringing an accessible approach to designing for an international audience. Angela Lindahl, a Taiwanese-Canadian, has studied and worked in multiple design industries, in multiple countries. Her interests in the business of design started well before her Bachelors of Industrial Design studies in New York’s Pratt Institute, and took on another form when she moved to Helsinki to complete her Masters studies in Interior Architecture(spatial and furniture design). Having studied and worked with both products and spaces, Angela’s
understanding of design and scale allows success in design projects that are detailed as well as multi-faceted.

创始人向奕翰本科毕业于北京清华大学,获得室内设计学士学位。因为对创意设计、多元文化的追求前往北欧芬兰,获得阿尔托大学(Aalto University)空间设计与家具设计硕士学位,并于芬兰赫尔辛基、荷兰鹿特丹等地参与建筑设计及室内设计工作。对于多元文化、语境的双向理解,让向奕翰在面对不同文化背景、社会环境的设计研究工作时,兼顾独特的创造性及不同共鸣感触的人文性。

Yihan Xiang boasts a prestigious Bachelors degree in Interior Architecture from Tsinghua University Beijing, after which his pursuit for a more global perspective of art and design brought him to Helsinki where he completed his Masters degree in Interior Architecture (spatial and furniture design) in addition to working across multiple Europeancities. Yihan’s fluent understanding of cultures and their context manifests itself in his artistic and sensitive approach to the design process.