
According to the definition of emotion, not only the physical context but also a personal factor influences our emotional response to stimuli: memories, life experience, character or mood. This festival provides them with a site and, through its transformation, challenges to generate an emotion. These courtyards, that nowadays serve as passages, will become, for a few days, containers of emotion. The architecture team wanted to push this idea to its limits, filling one of the courtyards with balloons. Feeling like a sea of balloons, the installation drags the public to experience a total immersion. Some may find peace feeling isolated, hidden, protected. Others could return to childhood wanting to play out to exhaustion. An annoyed person could simply vent his frustrations and return to serenity all over again. Pleasure, euphoria, well-being, anguish, playfulness, disorientation… Whatever the case may be, the architects are convinced that nobody remained indifferent.

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