
“Upside Down” is an installation in Shenzhen made of discarded fishing nets forming a landscape suspended between sea and sky people can walk through.


“Upside Down” has been designed for WWF to raise awareness on the work of recycling fishing nets done with local fishing communities. Throwing away used nets costs nowadays much less than repairing them, but this commonly used practice has enormous repercussions on the ecosystem of the seabed globally: WWF’s effort is to involve local fishing communities to find and define alternative solutions.


The installation is part of a larger event open to the public for three weeks in the new Sea World Culture and Art Center facing Shenzhen bay, which will further travel around other Chinese cities.

世界·海洋生活与生计展分为 “网里网外”艺术装置、“渔悦梦想”港、TME视听小站、“有鲜责任”渔市、“网后渔生”渔民故事展、“年年有渔”海宝图鉴和海洋护“蔚”队好奇征集令七个部分。在这里,你可以打卡由回收废弃渔网搭成的交互式装置、了解可持续海鲜消费的相关知识、聆听歌手为海洋献上的动听旋律……

Visitors can experience different installations organized on few stations: Fishing Behind the Net “Fishermen’s Story Exhibition, “Fresh Responsibility” Fish Market, “inside and outside the net” audio and visual stations, Marine Biodiversity Map of China, photographic material to document WWF activities in the ocean and workshops as a contribution to becoming aware of consuming the fish species whose fishing has less impact on the fragile balance of marine life. All installations have a different interactive character to appeal to different senses: visitors could get to know the ocean in depths by walking into the installation and feel the texture of the fishing net, reading the fisherman stories, listening to the music or learning to select the sustainable seafood.

概念源自“网”作为一个情感联结的隐喻,以建立起海洋与人类生存的城市之间的联 系。 渔网本身就拥有很多含义:渔民在海上作业的工具,一个柔软的可以适应水的元素, 以及其自身色彩与海洋色彩融为一体。这个概念试图创建一个能够唤起游客互动的装置,可以自由的在其四周移动。 装置由多个单独的单元构成,可以组装为一个密集的垂直组合,或沿着道路建立一个 拉伸的路径。从兜形渔网得到启发,我们发展出了从地面升起的模块化元素。 其结果是一系列抽象的有机体,结构从下方升起。他们的创富创造了一种浸入式的效 果,一个包裹感的环境对游客发出邀请,让游客进入到一个充满海洋元素的不同的城市环境中。这件艺术品是海洋与人关系的圣歌。材质运用使用过的旧渔网,这样的渔网留下了时间的痕迹。像渔民每天做的那样,经过剪切,拼贴和缝合将渔网重新组合在一起,以修复在人与海洋关系中不断消耗的爱与挣扎。

Taking inspiration from the shape of the fishing pot nets, the layout has developed like a group of modular elements rising up from the ground. The result is a series of subtly organic objects, structures that arise from below and grow upwards. Their repetition creates an immersive effect, an enveloping background inviting visitors to immerse themselves into a different environment full of marine references, as if we were bringing the Ocean into the city. The installation is a hymn to the sea and the man. Material used for the wrapping are used fishing nets, recovered from sea waste, which show the marks of life and time. They have been cut, adapted, sewed again and installed together, in the same way fishermen used to do every day, to mend and fix what the ocean is constantly consuming in a relationship of love and struggle.


Name: UPSIDE DOWN | 倒影

Year: 2021

location : Sea World Culture and Arts Center, Shenzhen

function : public art installation for OCEAN DAY 2021

Area:  500 m²

design by:  RAMOPRIMO

Artists: Marcella CampaStefano Avesani,

project team : Zhao Xinyi 赵心怡, Wang Wenwen 王雯雯, Giacomo Squaquara

manager on site: Cai Song Yan蔡松炎

Curator: BONALLIANCE Consultancy益邦行咨询, Anouchka van Driel

Client: WWF

Photos:   Marcella Campa, Stefano Avesani

designers’ web: www.ramoprimo.com    www.instanthutong.com

Instagram:  @ramoprimo